The Stanford APDA Information & Referral Center and Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach invite you to attend the next webinar in our series of conversations with Parkinson’s caregiver authors. Next week, Tuesday, December 10, 2:30-4pm PT, join us for our talk with Lois Kelly, author of “Slow Loss, a Memoir of Marriage Undone by Disease.” Lois will share her experiences and lessons learned as a caregiver for her husband with Parkinson’s and dementia. There will be time for some audience questions.
No need to register. At the time of the event, click this link to join:
Or join by phone: 650 724 9799, Toll Free: 833 302 1536
Webinar ID: 944 7005 679
Passcode: 297656
Feel free to share this invitation with others.
The Stanford APDA Information & Referral Center and Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach have lined up the authors of two more Parkinson’s caregiving books to speak to our PD caregiving community.
Mark your calendars NOW for all these events!!!
- February 5, 2:30pm PT – Lianna Marie, “Everything You Need to Know About Caregiving for Parkinson’s Disease,” published 2016 and “The Complete Guide for People With Parkinson’s Disease and Their Loved Ones,” published 2020
- March 5, 2:30pm PT – Terri Pease, “Love, Dignity, and Parkinson’s: from Care Partner to Caregiver,” published 2022
Those subscribed to the Stanford “PD Caregivers” email list will receive reminders about these two events. Subscribe to all of our email lists
Our first conversation with the author of a book about PD caregiving was in September 2024 with Barbara Sheklin-Davis, author of “Advice From a Parkinson’s Wife: 20 Lessons Learned the Hard Way.” If you missed it, check out the notes from her talk on the Stanford PD Community blog.
There you will also find a list of related resources and a link to the recording of our conversation with Barbara on the Stanford APDA YouTube channel.
Don’t miss your opportunity to hear from these insightful women! And anytime, check out the “Caregiver Corner” on the Stanford Parkinson’s website.