The research lab is conducting a computer-based study that looks at working memory and attentional control in Parkinson’s. Previous studies have show that working memory can sometimes be impaired in Parkinson’s patients. We are interested in learning if this is due to Parkinson’s affecting working memory directly or if Parkinson’s is affecting attentional control. In order to remember something it is necessary to register the information in the first place, which requires being able to pay attention. Attentional control and working memory are closely related and we hope to tease them apart. We are particularly interested in seeing how Parkinson’s medications affect these two areas of cognitive function.
The study is a two-hour time commitment across two sessions (one ON medications and one OFF) for PD participants and a one-hour commitment for controls. It takes place in our lab which is near the Stanford campus and has free parking. We are currently recruiting healthy male controls (no PD) and PD participants (male or female).
If you’re interested please call the research lab at 650-723-0060 or email Clara Warden at