You can participate in a web-based seminar — or webinar — from the privacy of your home. Join either live or view the archived version within a few days of the live webinar (in most cases). All webinars listed are free. Here are webinars that may be of interest to those living with Parkinson’s in January 2018…
Monday, January 8, 1:00-2:00pm
“Tax Cuts and Job Act: Impact on Estate Planning and Ancillary Planning Areas, Part 2”
Program: This is the second webinar (go here to view the previous session on December 28th) discussing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which President Trump signed into law on December 22, 2017 making massive changes to personal and estate tax rules. Every aspect of planning will be affected: asset protection, charitable giving, planning for itemized deductions, the structure of trusts (grantor vs. non-grantor, ING, SLATs, DAPTs, etc.), and more.
Presenters: Martin M. Shenkman, Esq., CPA, MBA, PFS, AEP, JD; Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Esq.; Joy E. Matak, Esq.
Presented by: Shenkman Law
Friday, January 12, 12:00-1:00pm
“Understanding and Accessing Disability Benefits”
Program: This webinar will focus on the in’s and out’s of disability benefits – both private and through the Social Security Sytem. Local Attorney, Scott Sell will describe the application process, timelines, and common mistakes and how to avoid them. This webinar is a must for anyone who is still working and living with a diagnosis of PD.
Presenter: Scott Sell Esq., attorney, Portland OR
Presented by: Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon
Not certain if this webinar will be archived. Please register for webinar to see if/when/where archiving of the program will happen.
Tuesday, January 16, 10:00-11:00am
“Freezing or Sweating Falls When Walking with Parkinson’s Disease”
Program: Freezing is associated with abnormal balance control, cognitive issues, and reduced connections between the frontal cortex and locomotor areas in the brainstem. New studies suggest that exercises focused on the balance and cognitive issues and ability to walk and talk may improve brain function involved in walking and freezing. At the end of this presentation, participants will: Understand how the brain controls walking and balance; discover what types of balance and gait impairments in Parkinson’s disease result in freezing and falls; and explore what can be done to minimize freezing and falls.
Presenter: Fay B. Horak, Ph.D., PT, Professor of Neurology, OHSU
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Thursday, January 18, 9:00am-10:00am
“How Genetic Discoveries Lead to Parkinson’s Therapies”
Program: With ongoing trials targeting genetic links to Parkinson’s (alpha-synuclein, GBA and LRRK2), we’ll discuss how we go from discovering genes to creating precision therapies. And we’ll talk about why you should participate in genetic research even if you don’t carry a known Parkinson’s genetic mutation.
Presenters: Dave Iverson, moderator. Other participants to be advised at time of webcast
Presented by: The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Wednesday, January 24, 11:00am-12:00pm
“Keep it BIG! Tune Ups and other Post-Discharge Recommendations in LSVT BIG”
Program: How do you maintain the BIG gains you made in LSVT BIG treatment and stay motivated once treatment has concluded? Join us to hear valuable insights on post-discharge recommendations following LSVT BIG, including continued daily homework practice, tune-up sessions and BIG for LIFE® maintenance groups. Opportunities will be provided for you to ask questions during the webinar through voice and chat options.
Presenters: LSVT BIG clinicians
Presented by: LSVT Global
Thursday, January 25, 9:00-10:00am
“Spotlight on Parkinson’s Disease: Understanding Dyskinesia”
Program: Learn more about the causes and treatment options for dyskinesia experienced by those living with Parkinson’s, with additional support and information for their care partners, family members and friends.
Presenter: M. Maral Mouradian, MD, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Director of the Center for Neurodegenerative and Neuroimmunologic Diseases
Presented by: American Parkinson Disease Association