You can participate in a web-based seminar — or webinar — from the privacy of your home. Join either live or view the archived version within a few days of the live webinar (in most cases). All webinars listed are free. All times listed are Pacific Time. Here are webinars that may be of interest to those living with Parkinson’s in July 2020…
Monday, July 6, 10:00-10:30am
“Mindfulness Mondays”
Program: Start your week with calmness. Join meditation practitioners each Monday as they lead you in guided relaxation techniques to help boost brain power and reduce stress.
Presenters: Devon and Craig Hase Meditation Practitioners
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Tuesday, July 7, 11:00am-12:00pm
“Staying Nimble: Adapting to Meet Needs for Virtual Care of PD”
Program: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought quick and sudden changes to all areas of our lives, including the delivery of our healthcare. Specifically, the healthcare system has pivoted towards telemedicine, and for many who are living with Parkinson’s during COVID-19, questions have surfaced about what this shift to virtual care actually looks like, and what the implementation of virtual care means for their present and future care for Parkinson’s.
Presenter: Daryl Wile, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Movement Disorder Specialist, Kellowna, BC
Presented by: Parkinson Society British Columbia
Wednesday, July 8, 8:00-9:00am
“Quantified Self: Patient Involvement in Parkinson’s Care”
Program: Join our speakers for a conversation about patient advocacy and self-care.
Presenters: Ray Dorsey, MD, MBA, Univewrsity of Rochster
Sara Riggare, Swedish engineer and optimistic realist with Parkinson’s
Presented by: Ending PD
Wednesday, July 8, 10:00-11:00am
“Summer Travel: Tips for Safe Trips”
Program: If you are planning to travel this summer, it’s important to first consider the potential risks in the wake of COVID-19, as well as how to make your trip as safe as possible for you and your loved ones. In this program we will discuss: ways to travel efficiently, what to pack, considerations for lodging, and other ways to be prepared! Due to the evolving situation with the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, we encourage you to speak to your healthcare provider before planning your next outing or family vacation.
Presenters: To be advised at time of webcast
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Friday, July 10, 12:00-1:00pm
“New Frontiers in Neuroprotection”
Program: Join us for a conversation with Anthony Lang, MD, FRCPC. The Lancet called him Master of Movement Disorders, his country appointed him an Officer of the Order of Canada, he has been honored with numerous leadership and lifetime achievement awards, and perhaps most importantly, Dr. Lang has influenced and inspired a generation of movement disorder physicians and researchers. We’ll talk to Dr. Lang about his work since founding the Movement Disorders Centre at the University of Toronto in 1982, and what he’s excited about now: advances in our understanding of neuroprotection and the possibility of slowing the progression of Parkinson’s.
Presenters: Anthony Lang, MD, FRCPC, University of Toronto
Indu Subramanian, MD, UCLA, Southwest PADRECC, Los Angeles
Presented by: PMD Alliance
Monday, July 13, 10:00-10:30am
“Mindfulness Mondays”
Program: Start your week with calmness. Join meditation practitioners each Monday as they lead you in guided relaxation techniques to help boost brain power and reduce stress.
Presenters: Devon and Craig Hase, Meditation Practitioners
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Monday, July 13, 10:00-11:00am
“Cell Therapies for Parkinson’s: Where are we now?”
Program: Join us for a conversation with stem cell pioneer Professor Roger Barker, PhD, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Honorary Consultant in Neurology at the University of Cambridge and at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. Professor Barker and his team at the Barker/Williams-Gray Lab are leading in clinical and lab-based research on Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease focused on determining what causes these diseases and how to improve the lives of patients living with them. We’ll talk with Professor Barker about the past, present and future of cell therapies for Parkinson’s disease, and what it all means for people living with the disease today.
Presenter: Roger Barker, PhD, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Honorary Consultant in Neurology at the University of Cambridge and at Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Presented by: PMD Alliance
Monday, July 13, 12:00-1:00pm
“Dr. Gilbert Hosts: Stem Cells & Parkinson’s Disease with Dr. Evan Snyder”
Program: In this continuation of the popular Dr. Gilbert Hosts series, APDA’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Rebecca Gilbert speaks with special guest Dr. Evan Snyder, who is an expert in stem cell biology about the potential of stem cell biology to treat Parkinson’s disease. Register today for this live webinar featuring a fascinating and informative discussion followed by a Q&A session where you can ask questions and get answers in real-time.
Presenters: Rebecca Gilbert, MD, PhD, Vice President, Chief Scientist, APDA
Evan Snyder, MD, PhD, FAAP, Director of the Stem Cell Research Center and Core Facility at Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine
Presented by: American Parkinson Disease Association
Wednesday, July 15, 10:00-11:00am
“Falls: Risk, Prevention & Recovery”
Program: Most older adults worry about falling, but for people with Parkinson’s the risk of falling can be made worse by certain symptoms. In this webinar you will learn about specific strategies, practical information and additional resources to help you reduce your risk, prevent fall related injuries, and how to best recover if you do fall.
Presenters: To be advised at time of webinar
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Wednesday, July 15, 1:00-3:00pm
“Ahead of the Curve: Speech and Swallowing”
Program: Are you experiencing problems with speech and swallowing? Join us for an educational opportunity that will focus on the cause, developments and solutions to alleviate these changes.
Presenter: Ashleigh Lambert, MA, CCC-SLP, SpeechVive
Presented by: Parkinson Association of the Rockies
Thursday, July 16, 8:00-9:00am
“Molecular Signatures of Parkinson’s Disease”
Program: The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s landmark study, the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) has generated a large set of biological, clinical and imaging data to inform translational biomarker research as well as novel therapeutic development. This session will delve into the available data and share some of the key insights to date from analysis of the PPMI dataset.
Presenters: Kenneth Marek MD, President and Senior Scientist, Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders
Mark Frasier, PhD, Senior Vice President, Research Programs, MJFF
Brit Mollenhauer, MD, Assistant Professor, University of Goettingen Attending Neurologist, Head of Clinical Research, Paracelsus Elena Klinik
Kalpana Merchant, PhD, Adjunct Professor of Neurology, Northwestern University President and CSO, TransThera Consulting Co.
Andrew B. Singleton, PhD,, NIH Distinguished Investigator, Laboratory of Neurogenetics, National Institute on Aging
Presented by: The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Thursday, July 16, 9:00-10:00am
“The Pandemic and Parkinson’s: COVID-19 Impact on Disease, Care and Community”
Program: Our panelists will discuss results from our Fox Insight survey on the coronavirus and Parkinson’s disease as well as how restrictions and distancing have impacted care and community.
Presenters: To be advised at time of webinar
Presented by: The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Friday, July 17, 12:00-1:00pm
“The Neuroplastic Effects of Exercise”
Program: We all have heard exercise is medicine and an important part of managing Parkinson’s, but research being led by Dr. Giselle Petzinger is focusing on the role exercise plays in promoting neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to form new connections and pathways and how this strengthens cognitive and the automatic components of motor control. Join us for this exciting discussion on the neuroplastic effects of exercise.Presenter: Giselle Petzinger, MD, Keck School of Medicine, USC
Presented by: PMD Alliance
Friday, July 17, 1:00-2:00pm
“Speech and Voice Changes with Parkinson’s”
Program: Speech and swallowing difficulties can occur at any stage of Parkinson’s, and have tendency to progress alongside the disease. In this webinar, Meaghan Delaney, Kamloops speech pathologist, will lead a discussion about changes in speech, voice, and swallowing in people with Parkinson’s, and updated evidence on how to treat them. The benefits of exercising the speech and voice system in people with Parkinson’s will also be addressed.
Presenter: Meaghan Delaney, MSc, RSLP, SLP-CCC, Kamloops, BC
Presented by: Parkinson Society British Columbia
Monday, July 20, 10:00-10:30am
“Mindfulness Mondays”
Program: Start your week with calmness. Join meditation practitioners each Monday as they lead you in guided relaxation techniques to help boost brain power and reduce stress.
Presenters: Devon and Craig Hase, Meditation Practitioners
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Tuesday, July 21, 9:00-10:00am
“Parkinson Disease: Solving Bladder, Bowel, & Sexual Health Challenges”
Program: The pelvic floor consists of muscles and tissues that form a sling from the pubic bone to the tailbone and are responsible for helping maintain posture, support the pelvic organs, control bowel, bladder, and sexual activity. Dysfunction of the pelvic floor can cause problems such as urinary incontinence, common in Parkinson’s and other movement disorders. Join us for a discussion on the pelvic floor and how physical therapists can address the problems associated with pelvic floor dysfunction through a variety of modalities.
Presenter: To be advised at time of webcast
Presented by: PMD Alliance
Wednesday, July 22, 10:00-11:00am
“Driving and Parkinson’s: Balancing Independence & Safety”
Program: Driving is a powerful symbol of independence that is tied to self-esteem and self-efficacy. Many people with PD continue to drive safely long after their diagnosis. Much depends on specific symptoms and medications along with other changes that may come with aging. Join us for a live webinar featuring a guest speaker who will address the impact Parkinson’s disease may have on independence, one’s driving skills and safety.
Presenters: to be advised at time of webinar
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Wednesday, July 22, 10:00-11:00am
“Taking Charge of Parkinson’s with Brian Grant”
Program: Join Dr. Ray Dorsey for an interview with Brian Grant, an NBA idol who was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson’s disease at age 36, and Katrina Kahl, executive director of the Brian Grant Foundation.
Presenters: Ray Dorsey, MD, MBA, University of Rochester
Brian Grant Former NBA player, founder, Brian Grant Foundation
Katrina Kahl, Executive Director, Brian Grant Foundation
Presented by: Ending PD
Wednesday, July 22, 11:00am-12:00pm
“Application of LSVT BIG® to neurological conditions beyond Parkinson disease”
Program: Did you know that LSVT BIG may be applied to individuals with neurological conditions other than Parkinson’s disease (PD)? Join LSVT BIG Faculty as they discuss research and clinical reports on the effectiveness of LSVT BIG for populations beyond PD and how best to determine if you or someone you know may be a good candidate for LSVT BIG.
Presenters: LSVT BIG Clinicians
Presented by: LSVT Global
Wednesday, July 22, 11:00am-12:00pm
“Stumbling Blocks and Steppingstones”
Program: Parkinson’s is a marathon, not a sprint. So, if you want to live well through all the ups and downs on the long and twisty path that is Parkinson’s, it’s not only important to have tools and education, it’s essential to have sources of inspiration you can look to so you can see what’s possible. Edie Anderson has been that source of inspiration for many. In this webinar, we’ll sit down with Edie to talk about her story and how she has been choosing to live well with Parkinson’s for over seven years. Edie is open and generous, and she makes you think that anything is possible.
Presenter: Edie Anderson
Presented by: Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s
Thursday, July 23, 11:00am-12:00pm
“Balance & Falls: Joining the Puzzle Pieces”
Program: Falls are a result of a complex interplay of various risk factors, including motor symptoms and brain changes that affect the balance and mobility of people with Parkinson’s disease. In this webinar, Shelly will discuss the research on balance and falls, and its practical applications for reducing fall risk factors and improving quality of life for people with Parkinson’s.
Presenter: Shelly Yu, neurophysiotherapist, Parkinson Society BC
Presented by: Parkinson Society British Columbia
Monday, July 27, 10:00-10:30am
“Mindfulness Mondays”
Program: Start your week with calmness. Join meditation practitioners each Monday as they lead you in guided relaxation techniques to help boost brain power and reduce stress.
Presenters: Devon and Craig Hase, Meditation Practitioners
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Monday, July 27, 12:00-1:00pm
“Understanding Parkinson’s through Neuropathology”
Program: Understanding diseases of the nervous system is advancing at a rapid pace and at the forefront of the emerging data is tissue-based research involving laboratory analysis of brain tissue samples offering cellular and molecular understanding of disease conducted by a group of physicians and scientists called neuropathologists. This type of post-mortem research has contributed to better understanding of neurodegenerative disorders and the refining of treatments. We will explore the field of neuropathology, how brain and body donation contribute to our knowledge of and focus on treatments and the barriers encountered in obtaining tissue donations.
Presenter: Harry Vinters, M.D., F.C.A.P.,F.R.C.P.(C), F.F.Path.(R.C.P.I.), Mary S. Easton Center for Alzherimer’s Disease Research at UCLA
Presented by: PMD Alliance
Wednesday, July 29, 10:00-11:00am
“Creating a Safe Home Inside and Out”
Program: People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may experience challenges inside and outside the home related to symptoms such as freezing, shuffling, cognitive changes, vision and gait changes. Guided by our expert speaker, we will take a virtual tour through common areas of your home to discover potential hazards and ways to address them. People with PD, loved ones, families, and health providers are invited to join and learn tools and strategies to create a safe home.
Presenters: To be advised at time of webcast
Presented by: Parkinson’s Foundation
Friday, July 31, 12:00-1:00pm
“Spotlight Online: Interdisciplinary Care & Telehealth Rehab”
Program: A look into a robust and holistic model to address the needs of people with movement disorders in a telehealth format. With a deep dive into the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab telehealth model participants will understand what can be done when people are able to access not only their movement disorder provider but also a full therapy network on a telehealth platform.
Presenters: To be advised at time of webcast
Presented by: PMD Alliance