Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of Parkinson’s-related webinars and virtual meetings with speakers. Here’s our November 2022 list.
What’s the difference between a webinar and a virtual meeting? A “webinar” has a handful of speakers at most, and attendees have both audio and video muted. A “virtual meeting” usually allows attendees to be seen and heard.
We recommend you register NOW for anything of interest. That way, if there’s a recording, as a registrant you’ll receive an email alerting you to the recording availability. Also, note that a few webinars have registration deadlines well in advance of the webinar dates.
Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach will try to attend as many of these events as possible and share our notes. Our notes about PD webinars are often posted to our blog. We email our notes to the “Stanford PD Info” and “PD Caregivers” email lists, depending on the relevance to those audiences.
We publish to our blog an additional caregiver-specific webinar and virtual event list, which is sent to those on our “PD Caregivers” list. That list includes some events not included here since those events are for caregivers only.
If you are a caregiver to someone with PD, we encourage you to be added to our “PD Caregivers” email list.
Unless indicated, the webinar and virtual meetings listed below are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. We suggest you join five minutes before the official start time. (Usually, the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- For a general audience. (Again, caregiver-specific events are on our other list.)
- Not focused on a single medication or single, branded treatment. (Those are excluded.)
- Free.
After that long preamble, here’s our list of PD-related webinars and virtual meetings in November 2022…
– Denise
Tuesday, November 1, 7-9:30am
Parkinson’s Disease Motor Symptoms and Treatment
A movement disorder specialist speaker will address PD motor symptoms and treatment while a physical therapist will discuss exercise as medicine.
Joseph Friedman, MD, Butler Hospital, RI
Christine Clarkin, DPT, physical therapist
Hosts: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) Rhode Island Chapter and Butler Hospital Movement Disorders Program
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the APDA Rhode Island YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 2, 9am
Understanding Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
The speaker addresses DBS as a treatment option for PD, essential tremor and dystonia. Q&A follows.
Speaker: Sarah Zurek, RN, DBS program coordinator
Host: Hartford Healthcare
Call 855-442-4373 or use this registration webpage
This webinar is offered monthly and is not recorded.
Wednesday, November 2, 10am
Let’s Talk About Dementia
This webinar will review the various types of dementia, their clinical features as well as ways to manage dementia in Parkinson’s.
Speaker: James Leverenz, MD, Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Las Vegas
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
This webinar will be posted on PF’s Expert Briefings webpage
Wednesday, November 2, 11am
How Hearing Can Affect Your Overall Well Being
The speaker will discuss three ways your hearing can affect your life.
Speaker: Julie Palazzolo, Audiologist
Host: Parkinson Association of the Carolinas (PAC)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to PAC Past Virtual Support Groups page
Friday, November 4, 8am-12pm
Exercise and Living Well with Parkinson’s
At this Victory Summit, experts in the field will talk about what kind of movement to do, how much to do, when to do it, and how to know when enough is enough. Experts will also address topics such as neuroplasticity, intensity, the value and differences between cardio and strength training, and more. Short PD-specific exercise sessions will be offered.
Multiple speakers
Host: Davis Phinney Foundation (DPF)
The recording will be posted to the DPF educational events webpage
Saturday, November 5, 8:30am-1pm
Parkinson’s Disease Symposium 2022
Learn about the latest updates in Parkinson’s disease diagnosis, treatment and current research.
Note: This is a hybrid event – in-person and virtual.
Multiple speakers
Host: UCI Health Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Program, Irvine, CA
The recording will be posted to the UCI Health Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Program Parkinson’s Disease Symposia Presentations
Monday, November 7, 12pm
From Grief to Gratitude & Growing Awareness
The day after the speaker turned 38, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. It took a year to receive the correct diagnosis. His experience turned into a commitment to spreading real understanding and public awareness of what it means to live with the disease.
Speaker: Kuhan, person with young onset PD
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Lunes, 7 de noviembre, 12h
Enfermedad de Parkinson, Lo Basico
Seminario web mensual Todo sobre el Parkinson.
Presentadora: Natalie Diaz, MD, Pacific Neuroscience Institute (PNI), Santa Monica, CA
Anfitrión: Pacific Neuroscience Institute (PNI), Santa Monica, CA
No es necesario registrarse.
Webinar ID: 821 8048 1494
Telephone: 669-900-6833
Para preguntas o más información, comuníquese con Giselle, teléfono 310-582-7433, giselle.tamula@providence.org
La grabación del seminario web se publicará en la sección Trastornos del movimiento de la página de seminarios web de Salud y Bienestar de PNI
Wednesday, November 9, 10am
Social Engagement: Improvisations – Part 2
This session introduces people with PD to the foundation of improvisation to address symptoms associated with PD, including hand-eye coordination, communication, mood, and more.
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
This webinar will be posted on PF’s Past Wellness Wednesdays webpage
Wednesday, November 9, 10am
[Parkinson’s] Resources & Information
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Explore where and how to find reliable information on PD. Part of the “PDLER series.”
Speaker: a movement disorders specialist, Banner Sun Health Research Institute
Host: Banner Health
This webinar will not be recorded.
Sunday, November 13, 10am
Discussing Being Well with Chronic Illness
Audience: Women with PD
The speakers will be talking about their new book “Being Well with Chronic Illness: A Guide to Joy & Resilience with Your Diagnosis.”
Kat Hill
Nancy Peate
Host: Twitchy Woman
Only women with PD should participate. Registration webpage
The webinar recording will be posted to the Events page of the Twitchy Woman website
Tuesday, November 15, 8am
Modeling PD using cells: can we really do this?
The speaker will discuss development of direct neural reprogramming methods and their potential to provide patient-specific based systems that faithfully recapitulates disease-associated phenotypes of PD. Part of the “Research Spotlight” series.
Note: This World Parkinson’s Coalition blog post provides an overview of the talk
Speaker: Janelle Drouin-Ouellet, PhD
Host: World Parkinson’s Coalition (WPC)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the WPC Research Spotlight 2022 page
Tuesday, November 15, 11am-1:30pm
Surgical Options for Veterans Living with Parkinson’s
Audience: Veterans with PD
After several years of good symptom management, controlling PD may become more challenging. Learn how Parkinson’s symptoms may change over time and explore surgical options to help manage symptoms. Learn about the work-up process for consideration of Deep Brain Stimulator Surgery (DBS).
Scott Lewis, MD, PhD, Minneapolis VA
Robert McGovern, MD, Minneapolis VA
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Tuesday, November 15, 12pm
NOH: What it is, How to Know if you Have it, and How to Manage it
People with neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (nOH) feel faint when they stand or sit up. The speaker will discuss the symptoms of nOH, how nOH is diagnosed, how to manage nOH with lifestyle choices and medication, behaviors that can aggravate nOH, how to reduce the burden of nOH for yourself and your care partners, and more.
Speaker: Salima Brillman, MD, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center of Silicon Valley
Host: Davis Phinney Foundation (DPF)
The webinar recording will be posted to the DPF past webinars webpage
Tuesday, November 15, 1pm
Directions in DBS
The speaker will discuss new developments in DBS technology including directional leads, multiple independent current control, rechargeable generators, and closed-loop DBS to improve outcomes in Parkinson’s disease. This webinar will be hosted on GoToWebinar. Click this link for more information on GoToWebinar.
Speaker: Kara Beasley, DO, Boulder Community Health
Host: Parkinson Association of the Rockies (PAR)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PAR YouTube channel.
Wednesday, November 16, 10am
The Role of Nutrition in Parkinson’s
The speakers, from Boston University’s Sargent Choice Nutrition Center (SCNC), will discuss the importance of nutrition as a component of wellness in PD.
Stacey Zawacki, DrPH, MS, RDN, LDN, Boston University SCNC
Rachel Reynolds, MS, RDN, LDN, Boston University SCNC
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association Massachusetts Chapter (APDA MA)
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the APDA MA YouTube channel
Miércoles, 16 d noviembre, 8am
Café con la doctora: Hablemos sobre los medicamentos para manejar la enfermedad de Parkinson.
El oradora experta brindará una breve descripción general de los tratamientos para la EP y responderá las preguntas de la audiencia.
Presentadora: Natalie Diaz, MD, Especialista en Trastornos del Movimiento, Pacific Neuroscience Institute
Anfitrión: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
Se puede publicar una grabación del seminario web en el canal de YouTube de la APDA
Wednesday, November 16, 11am-2pm
Parkinson’s Research and Care
Learn how research helps shape treatments and identify new care strategies for managing Parkinson’s symptoms. This program will also provide information on current research in Parkinson’s and may include moderately scientific terms and concepts. The speakers are from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).
Tuhin Virmani, MD, PhD, UAMS Health
Rohit Dhall, MD, MSPH, UAMS Health
Aditya Vikram Boddu, MD, UAMS Health
Hillary A. Williams, MD, UAMS Health
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Wednesday, November 16, 11am
Benefits of Exercise
Speaker: Kathy Lawrence, PT, Powerback Rehabilitation to You
Host: Parkinson Association of the Carolinas (PAC)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to PAC Wellness Wednesday page
Wednesday, November 16, 1:30pm
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
If you or your loved one have been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s, chances are you are looking beyond your doctor for answers to your questions and for support on how to live well on this new journey!
Host: NeuroChallenge
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Thursday, November 17, 9am
2022 in Review: Progress toward Better Treatments and Prevention
Expert panelists of Fox Foundation scientists will share impactful research updates from 2022, including progress in treating Parkinson’s from early diagnosis to advancing disease, the latest tools to predict and measure Parkinson’s, and critical steps toward prevention.
Multiple speakers
Host: Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the MJFF website
Thursday, November 17, 1pm
Advocacy & Parkinson’s Disease
The Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council (UPAC) is a group of PD non-profit organizations, including the American Parkinson Disease Association. UPAC recently spearheaded the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act. Webinar attendees will learn what advocacy means, what the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act entails, what other advocacy initiatives are underway for people with PD, and how people with PD, care partners, and how family members can get involved. Part of the “Dr. Gilbert Hosts” series.
Moderator: Rebecca Gilbert, MD, PhD, APDA Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer
Speaker: Ted Thompson, Senior Vice President of Public Policy, Michael J. Fox Foundation, and coordinator, Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the APDA YouTube channel in the Dr. Gilbert Hosts playlist
Friday, November 18, 10:30am
Loud, Clear & Controlled: Managing Speech & Voice Issues in PD
Learn the common speech and voice issues in Parkinson’s and why they occur, the “Bread & Butter” exercises everyone with PD should be doing daily, why it’s never too early to start doing speech and voice exercise, and how to get started and stay diligent with regular speech and voice exercise. Bring your questions about speech and voice PD issues.
Speaker: Sarah Awde, SLP, Get Loud Therapy, Ontario, Canada
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association Northwest
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the APDA Northwest YouTube channel
Sunday, November 20, 10am
Balance and Me, with PD
Audience: Women with PD
Exploring how balance can change with Parkinson’s Disease and what we can do about it, including treatment options and assistive devices that can be used to keep your balance.
Speaker: Sydney Collin, CEO of NexStride
Host: Twitchy Woman
Only women with PD should participate. Registration webpage
The webinar recording will be posted to the events page of the Twitchy Woman website
Wednesday, November 23, 11am
Ask the Expert: Safety and Independence Using Assistive Devices
This session will go over adaptive equipment people use to maintain independence in activities of daily living and functional mobility, as well as assistive technology used to maintain or improve functional capabilities of people with disabilities. Assistive devices for mobility issues and falls prevention will also be covered.
Speaker: Lisa Wechzelberger, OT
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel in the Ask the Expert playlist
Miércoles, 23 de noviembre, 1pm
La genética, la enfermedad de Parkinson y la importancia de participar en estudios de investigación
Aprendamos un poco más sobre el papel de la genética en la enfermedad de Parkinson y conversemos un poco sobre la importancia de la participación de los Hispanos en estudios de investigación. Priscila Delgado Hodges es asesora genética y podrá conversar con ustedes también sobre las implicaciones de la genética en la familia.
Presentadora: Priscilla Delgado Hodges, MS, CGC, Certified genetic counselor, Indiana University School of Medicine
Anfitrión: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
No hay información disponible sobre la grabación de este seminario web.
Wednesday, November 30, 10am
The Importance of Addressing On-Off Times in Parkinson’s
Many people with PD experience motor fluctuations, or “on-off” times, throughout the day. While there are many effective therapies available to help manage PD symptoms, maintaining consistent “on-time” remains a common challenge. Learn about the impact motor fluctuations can have on patients’ quality of life, as well as new treatment options that can help better manage the unmet medical needs of PD patients.
Speaker: Joohi Jimenez-Shahed, MD, Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.