Many Northern and Central California Parkinson’s support groups have interesting speakers or programs lined up for October 2013. The Palo Alto support group and Stanford/Menlo Park caregivers support group are teaming up to present three guest speakers on three dates this month. Here’s what happening in Palo Alto and at a support group near you.
For support group meeting location, day/time, contact info, and RSVP details (if an RSVP is required or requested) for all Northern and Central CA support groups, see the Stanford Parkinson’s webpage.
What does it mean if a support group you sometimes attend isn’t listed below? It might mean that the group doesn’t have its regular meeting this month, or the group is having a social event. Or it might mean that this month’s meeting doesn’t have a guest speaker. Or it might mean that the guest speaker info didn’t arrive from the group in time to be added here. Last but not least, it could mean that I messed up. If you are not a regular attendee of a group, it’s always a good idea to call the group leader to confirm the meeting! (See the Stanford Parkinson’s webpage for the group leader’s contact info.)
San Andreas (Calaveras County)
Tuesday, 10/1, 10am-noon
Guest Speaker: Representative from HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program)
Topic: Latest changes in Medicare
RSVP?: No.
Santa Cruz
Wednesday, 10/2, 12:30-2pm
Guest Speaker: Dorie Melville, speech/language pathologist, Dominican Hospital
Topic: “Communication Issues”
RSVP?: No.
San Lorenzo (San Leandro)
Thursday, 10/3, 10-11:30am
Guest Speaker: Karen Marshall, CRIL (Community Resources for Independent Living)
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 10/3 1-2:15pm (Note: October meeting starts at 1pm)
Guest Speaker: Suketu Khandhar, MD, movement disorder specialist, Kaiser, Sacramento
RSVP?: Requested for this meeting.
San Jose – Willow Glen
Friday, 10/4, 10am-noon (speaker starts about 10:20am)
Guest Speaker #1 (up to 30 minutes): Neil Tatingco, VideoCare, Cupertino, speaking about the VideoCare system
Guest Speaker #2 (until about 11:45am): Mwezo Kudumu, Kujiweza Healing Arts, speaking about exercises tailored for the Parkinson’s community
RSVP?: No.
Visalia (Tulare-Kings)
Friday, 10/4, 10:30am-noon
Guest Speaker: Representative from CTAP (California Telephone Access Program)
Topic: Phones for those with PD and for others with hearing problems, vision problems, etc.
RSVP?: No.
Ft. Bragg
Friday, 10/4, 2-3pm
Program: Watch the video “Motivating Moves for People with Parkinson’s”
RSVP?: No.
Santa Rosa (Sonoma County)
Saturday, 10/5, 1-3:15pm (guest speaker is 1-2pm)
Guest Speaker: Melanie Brandabur, MD, movement disorder specialist, The Parkinson’s Institute, Sunnyvale
Topic: “Living Well with Parkinson’s”
RSVP?: No.
Monday, 10/7, 10-11am
Guest Speaker: Representative from Hamilton Relay
Topic: Phones for disabled and handicapped
RSVP?: No.
Palo Alto Young Onset (diagnosed at age 50 or younger)
Tuesday, 10/8, 6:30-8pm
Guest Speaker: Kathleen Poston, MD, movement disorder specialist, Stanford University
Topic: “Am I Receiving the Best Treatment for My PD?”
RSVP?: Yes, an RSVP is required if you are attending this meeting for the first time.
Wednesday, 10/9, 1:30-3pm (Note: October meeting is on 2nd Wednesday)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Joni Samples, Family Friendly Schools
Topic: The brain. Overview of brain function and changing your thinking to support changing your brain. Activities are part of the program.
RSVP?: No.
Palo Alto
Wednesday, 10/9, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Camilla Kilbane, MD, movement disorder specialist, Stanford University
Topic: “Cognitive Issues and PD”
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 10/10, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Robin Riddle, Brain Support Network, a new Bay Area non-profit focused on brain donation for Parkinson’s Disease, atypical parkinsonism disorders, and other neurological disorders
Topic: “How do you know it’s really Parkinson’s? What if it’s not?”
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 10/10, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Preeti Oza, PhD, physical therapy professor, University of the Pacific, Stockton
Topic: “Dual tasking in individuals with Parkinson’s”
RSVP?: No.
Saturday, 10/12, 10am-noon (remember new location as of July 2013 – Saint James’ Cathedral)
Guest Speaker: Kim Tiratelle, registered dietitian
Topic: “Nutrition and Parkinson’s Disease”
RSVP?: No.
Saturday, 10/12, 10am-noon
Guest: Gary Turchin, poet, artist, storyteller and PD activist
Program: Gary’s journeys with creativity and PD
RSVP?: No.
Yuba City (Tri-County)
Monday, 10/14, 1-2pm
Guest Speaker: Brenda C. Smith, attorney, Yuba City
Topics: Probating estates, trust administration, wills, and living trusts
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 10/15, 1:30-2:30pm
Program: Sharing on the topic of “Balancing Meds and Making Adjustments”
RSVP?: No.
Pacific Grove (Monterey County)
Tuesday, 10/15, 3-4:30pm
Guest Speaker: Representative from Wellness Center, CHOMP (Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula)
Topic: Water exercise
RSVP?: No.
Palo Alto (location is Avenidas, 450 Bryant St.)
Special Meeting – Stanford/Menlo Park PD Caregivers Support Group and Palo Alto PD Support Group
Monday, 10/21, 2:30-4pm
Guest Speaker: Eli Puterman, PhD, Director of UCSF’s Fitness, Aging, and Stress Lab
Topic: “Caregiver Stress and how we can protect our bodies with physical and mental fitness”
Note: This presentation is of special interest to caregivers. Everyone is welcome to attend.
RSVP?: No.
Mill Valley (Marin County)
Tuesday, 10/22, 1-3pm (speaker is from 1-2pm)
Guest Speaker: James P. Nevin, Sr., estate planning attorney, Mill Valley
Topic: “Estate Planning in the Context of Parkinson’s Disease”
RSVP?: No.
Palo Alto (location is Avenidas, 450 Bryant St.)
Special Meeting – Palo Alto PD Support Group, and Stanford/Menlo Park PD Caregivers Support Group
Monday, 10/28, 2:30-4pm
Guest Speaker: Mehrdad Ayati, MD, geriatrician, Stanford Senior Care Clinic
Topic: “How does a primary care physician or geriatrician treat your Parkinson’s?”
RSVP?: No.