The topic for the next meeting of the Palo Alto Young Onset Parkinson’s support group is sleep and PD. The group meets in the Boardroom of the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto from 6:30 to 8pm. The group leader has identified some background materials you can check out to prepare for a lively discussion.
Martha Gardner, longtime leader of this Stanford-organized group, suggests that group members review these two TED talks (online videos) or these three articles before the January 12th meeting:
- TED talk on “How to sleep” (4 minutes)
- TED talk on “Why to get a good night’s sleep” (12 minutes)
- University of Rochester article on cleansing system in the brain
- NIH article on the brain and sleep
- Psychiatric Times article on PD and sleep
Reviewing some or all of the videos and articles should lay the groundwork for an interesting discussion.
By the way, “Young Onset” refers to the age someone is diagnosed with PD. It does not refer to the “stage” of PD or the degree of symptoms. In the case of the Palo Alto YOPD group, those diagnosed at age 50 or younger are welcome to join the meeting.
If this is your first time attending the YOPD meeting, please RSVP by contacting Martha Gardner.