Happy New Year! Only a few Northern and Central California Parkinson’s Disease (PD) support groups meetings have speakers or discussion programs planned in January 2019. Plus there are PD seminars in Fresno and Sonora this month. See the list below of what’s happening near you…
Do you need to know the support group meeting location, day/time, contact info, and how to RSVP if required? Please refer to the Stanford Parkinson’s website for all Northern and Central California support groups.
What does it mean if a support group you sometimes attend isn’t listed below? Generally, it means that there is no speaker at the meeting.
So, it’s an open discussion format. Several groups do not meet in January (see list below).
It might mean that the guest speaker info didn’t arrive from the group in time to be added here. Or, it could mean that I messed up. If you are not a regular attendee of a group, it’s always a good idea to call the group leader to confirm the meeting! (See this list for the group leader’s contact info.)
These groups do not meet in January: Millbrae/Magnolia,
Best wishes for a bright 2019,
Robin Riddle
Soquel/Santa Cruz
Wednesday, 1/2, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Brian Dunniway, coach, Rock Steady Boxing
Topic: Fighting against PD
RSVP?: No.
San Jose/Willow Glen
Friday, 1/4, 10am-noon (program begins about 10:15am)
Guest Speaker: Mitchell Matlow, San Jose Fire Dept.
Topics: Managing in an emergency
RSVP?: No.
Bakersfield (Kern County)
Tuesday, 1/8, 2-4pm
Guest Speaker: Representative from Abbott/St. Jude
Topic: Deep brain stimulation
RSVP?: No.
Pacific Grove (Monterey County)
Tuesday, 1/8, 3-4:30pm
Guest Speaker: Salima Brillman, MD, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center of Silicon Valley
Topic: PD and dyskinesia
RSVP?: No.
Palo Alto Young Onset PD (YOPD)/Stanford
Tuesday, 1/8, 6:30-8pm
Guest Speaker: Julie Muccini, OT, occupational therapist, Stanford Outpatient Neurologic Rehabilitation
Topic: Driving issues with PD, driving testing, and rehabilitation
RSVP? If this is your first time attending, please RSVP to John Mamin, 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Menlo Park/Little House
Wednesday, 1/9, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Blake Scanlon, PhD, psychologist, Stanford Psychiatry
Topic: Unseen challenges in Parkinson’s Disease — for those with PD, caregivers, family, and friends
Thursday, 1/10, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker #1: Anna Lissa Garcia, SLP, speech therapist, O’Connor Woods
Topic #1: How speech therapy can help with some of Parkinson’s speech, swallowing, and language challenges
Guest Speaker #2: Nanci Shaddy, fall prevention director, O’Connor Woods
Topic #2: Strategies and exercises to help prevent falls
RSVP?: No.
Clovis (Greater Fresno)
Saturday, 1/12, 10am-noon
Guest Speakers: Salima Brillman, MD, movement disorder specialist, and Betty Yan, Adamas Pharmaceuticals
Topic: Dyskinesia
RSVP?: No.
Monday, 1/14, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Phil Myers, group leader
Topic: Update on the latest research
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 1/15, 10-11am
Guest Speaker: Andrea Rosenblume, patient advocate, Healthcare Pathways
Topic: Navigating through unfamiliar situations for best possible care
RSVP?: No.
Wednesday, 1/16, 1:30-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Salima Brillman, MD, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center of Silicon Valley. (Speaking on behalf of Adamas Pharmaceuticals.)
Topic: New treatment option for PD dyskinesia
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 1/17, 10am-noon
Guest Speaker: Salima Brillman, MD, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center of Silicon Valley
Topic: PD dyskinesiaRSVP?: No.
Walnut Creek (Mt. Diablo)
Saturday, 1/19, 10am-noon (speaker begins at 10:45am)
Guest Speaker: Aaron Daley, UCSF
Topic: Lessons from a PD caregiver outreach series
RSVP?: No.
Sonora – Peaceful Journey PD Forum
Friday, 1/25, 11am-3pm
Location: Sierra Bible Church, 15171 Tuolumne Rd.
Speaker: Aaron Daley, UCSF Parkinson’s Disease Clinic and Research Center
RSVP required: Krishna Hamilton, Ronald and Krishna Hamilton Parkinson’s Foundation, phone 209-206-3071
Lunch provided (with RSVP)
Mill Valley (Marin County)
Friday, 1/25, 1-3pm (speaker from 1-2pm)
Guest Speaker: Lynda Sheridan
Topic: PD and the art of moving
RSVP?: No.
Fresno – PD Summit
Saturday, 1/26, 9am-2:30pm
Location: Hope Lutheran Church, 364 E. Barstow Ave., Fresno
Speakers on many topics, including legal and financial planning, relationships, considerations before moving, safety in your home, PD exercise, and pole walking
Individual advance registration required: parkinson.org/fresno
Questions? Sarah Osborne, Parkinson’s Foundation