Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of caregiving-related webinars and virtual events (conferences, symposia, and teleconferences). Here’s our February 2021 list of caregiving webinars and virtual events. Most of the webinars listed are for a general audience and are free. Be sure to register in advance!
I am impressed by the number of caregiving events in February and the topics covered are very useful, even unusual, like the unique challenges of male caregivers.
The list below is webinars and virtual events (such as a conference, symposium or teleconference) we know about in February 2021 that are focused on Caregiving. Note: the first events are very early in the month.
We encourage you to register for any of these events you are interested in. That way, if you aren’t able to attend the live event, you will be alerted when the recording is available.
About the list below, unless indicated, all webinars and virtual events are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. (Commonly the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- If there is no speaker indicated, the speaker is unknown at the time of this email.
- For a general audience.Not focused on a single medication. (Those are excluded.)
- Free.
– Denise
Monday, February 1, 12pm
The Pharmacist – an Underutilized Team Member
We all use them, but do we really use them to their fullest extent? A pharmacist has a wealth of knowledge about how drugs work, side-effects, and what is safe or not safe to take together, but we often do not see them as part of our medical team. This event is a conversation with Dana Saffel, PharmD geared towards anyone who would like to learn about treatment and management of movement disorders from a pharmacist’s perspective.
– Dana Saffel, PharmD
Host: Parkinson & Movement Disorder Alliance (PMD Alliance)
Register here.
Within a week the webinar recording will be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel.
Wednesday, February 3, 8am
Caregiving During COVID-19: The End of COVID-19
New vaccines can end this pandemic, but there is skepticism. This teleconference will answer all of your COVID-19 vaccine questions.
– Lucy Barylak, MSW
– Elliot Montgomery Sklar, PhD
Host: Caregiver Teleconnection
Register here.
In about a week, the teleconference recording will be posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection’s SoundCloud page.
Wednesday, February 3, 10am
Thinking Changes in Parkinson’s: Engaging the Social Worker
Learn the role a social worker can play in helping people with Parkinson’s and their families better understand and cope with the daily and ongoing challenges related to cognitive change. This talk will cover both practical and emotional strategies for coping.
– Elaine Book, MSW, RSW, Clinic Social Worker, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain HealthPacific Parkinson’s Research Centre
– Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the PF website.
Friday, February 5, 9am
Getting the Care You Need: Parkinson’s in the Hospital
Being hospitalized can be challenging for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Preventable medication errors that may occur in the hospital frequently lead to serious complications. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and other healthcare facilities may restrict access to care partners or family members, making it even more difficult to advocate for ourselves and our loved ones. Learn how you and your loved ones can prepare for a planned or unplanned hospital visit. Get tips on how to successfully communicate patient needs during these trying times.
– Fenna T. Phibbs, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Neurology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
– Stan Jones, Aware in Care Ambassador, Parkinson’s Foundation
– Parkinson’s Foundation (PF), Tennessee-Kentucky Chapter
Register from this webpage.
As this event is sponsored by a local PF chapter, it is unclear if the recording will be available online. You can ask the Tennessee-Kentucky Chapter of the Parkinson’s Foundation about recording archives by email or by phone at 615-338-5948.
Monday, February 8, 10am
Competent Conversations with Health Care Providers
In this teleconference, learn effective communication skills and how to build relationships with health care providers.
– Tanesha Tyler-Carr, Alzheimer’s Association, Coordinator of Programs & Services
Host: Caregiver Teleconnection
Register here.
In about a week, the teleconference recording will be posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection’s SoundCloud page.
Tuesday, February 9, 11am
Exploring Male Caregiving For People Living With Dementia
Effective Alzheimer’s disease and dementia caregiving requires a skill set and understanding that is not entirely intuitive for anyone who undertakes it. For men, these challenges are heightened due to the fact that they are not socialized to be caregivers. This does not mean that males aren’t eager to assume the role of caregiver, be it for partners or parents with a dementia diagnosis. However, because of the dynamic nature of dementia disease, caregiving cannot be approached as a problem to be solved. This webinar will discuss burdens specific to male caregivers, including caregiving skill acquisition, the need for asking for and receiving help, and self-care.
– Molly Perdue, MA, MS, PhD, Co-founder and Executive Director of the Alzheimer’s Family Support Center of Cape Cod (AFSC)
– a male caregiver to provide a first-person perspective
– American Society on Aging
– National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the NADRC website.
Wednesday, February 10, 10am
Social Engagement: Creative Connections
Art therapy can help improve physical, psychological and social functioning in people living with Parkinson’s disease. Join us for a unique and fun experience connecting with others through exploring art!
– Ashley Hildebrandt, MA, ATR-BC, Indiana University School of Medicine, a Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence
– Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the PF website.
Wednesday, February 10 and Thursday, February 11, 8am-11:30am
Dr. Daniel Kaufer Memorial Caregiver Conference – Behaviors: Awareness, Attitude, and Action
For many caregivers, the most stressful part of the dementia journey is managing behavioral changes. This two-day conference will focus on awareness, attitude, and action to increase behavioral understanding and empower your response. While looking at behaviors through a Lewy Body deentia lens, this on-line conference will help anyone who is experiencing behavioral challenges in dementia care.
– James (Trey) Bateman, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, Wake Forest School of Medicine
– Helen and Jim Whitworth, national conference and education speakers and authors of several books on Lewy Body Dementia caregiving
– Pat Snyder, dementia caregiver and educator
Host: – Dementia Alliance of North Carolina (DA NC)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the conference recording may be posted to the DA NC website.
Thursday, February 11, 12pm
Health Disparities and Parkinson’s: Bridging the Gap Between Urban and Rural
When it comes to addressing the needs of a Parkinson’s community, we often talk about an urban/rural divide. It is assumed that the barriers and health disparities that exist for those living in large cities and rural communities are vastly different, but some experts now are suggesting this may not really be the case. In this webinar, we will consider common issues that may exist within urban communities and rural communities alike with a panel of Parkinson’s organization leaders serving people across the U.S.
– Soania Mathur, MD, retired family physician, Davis Phinney Foundation Boardmember
– Wendy R. Lewis, CEO, The Parkinson’s Council (Philadelphia, PA)
– Amber Winder, Executive Director, Parkinson’s Nebraska (Omaha, NE)
– Holly Chaimov, Executive Director, Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon, (Beaverton, OR)
– Kathleen Crist, LMSW, Executive Director, Houston Area Parkinson Society (Houston, TX)
– Davis Phinney Foundation (DPF)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the DPF website.
Thursday, February 11, 4pm
Parkinson’s and Freezing
Learn more about freezing. Take away useful strategies to get out of tricky, sticky situations. Class size will be limited.
– Maggie Abbott, PT, DPT
– Houston Area Parkinson Society (HAPS)
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the HAPS YouTube channel.
Thursday, February 11, 7pm-8:30pm
Intimacy and Parkinson’s
This webinar will review challenges with sexual intimacy and will explore options to address emotional distance influenced by physical limitations and role transitions brought on by Parkinson’s disease. Couples are strongly encouraged to participate in this webinar together. The content is focused on relationships, sharing and communication, so the exercises in the webinar are geared toward couples. Registrants will have the opportunity to be anonymous. Information on how to participate anonymously will be sent with login instructions.
– Elaine Book, Social Worker at the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre
– Tricia Wallace, Clinical Counsellor at Parkinson Society BC
– Parkinson Society British Columbia (PS BC)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the PS BC website.
Monday, February 15, 9am
The Survival Guide to Dementia Care What Happens Next
This teleconference is a discussion for family caregivers of people with dementia who are confronted with numerous decisions regarding the care and eventual placement of their loved one.
– Tam Cummings, PhD
Host: Caregiver Teleconnection
Register here.
In about a week, the teleconference recording will be posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection’s SoundCloud page.
Tuesday, February 16, 11am
Telemedicine and Parkinson’s
This webinar is about the state of telemedicine in the US, the laws that impact its use, and the efforts being made by advocates and policy makers to ensure that it’s legal, safe, and sustainable for the largest number of people. We’ll also talk about the logistics of a telemedicine call, how to find out if you can schedule a telemedicine appointment, and what to do to make sure you get the most out of your medical team during these virtual sessions.
– Dr. Roseanne Dobkin, licensed psychologist
– Ray Dorsey, MD, Professor of Neurology and Director of the Center for Health + Technology at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
– Davis Phinney Foundation (DPF)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the DPF website.
Tuesday, February 16, 4pm-5:30pm
Understanding Atypical Parkinson’s
This talk is about Atypical Parkinson’s diagnoses (sometimes called Parkinson’s Plus) and how they differ from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease.
– Eugene Lai, MD, Movement Disorders Specialist, Houston Methodist
– Houston Area Parkinson Society (HAPS)
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the HAPS YouTube channel.
Wednesday, February 17, 8am
Caregiving During COVID-19: What Caregivers Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine
Unpaid family caregivers are the largest source of long-term services and support for elders in the nation, but these caregivers haven’t been part of a vaccine rollout plan. This teleconference will address what caregivers need to know.
– Lucy Barylak, MSW
– Elliot Montgomery Sklar, PhD
Host: Caregiver Teleconnection
Register here.
In about a week, the teleconference recording will be posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection’s SoundCloud page.
Wednesday, February 17, 9am
Cognition and PD
Dr. Rebecca Gilbert will speak with special guest, movement disorder specialist, Dr. Kathleen Poston about the cognitive effects of Parkinson’s disease
– Rebecca Gilbert, MD, APDA Chief Scientific Officer
– Kathleen Poston, MD, Associate Professor of Neurology & Neurological Sciences and (by courtesy) Neurosurgery at Stanford University
– American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the APDA website.
Wednesday, February 17, 10am
Care Partner Townhall: My Favorite Things
In this interactive caregiving “show and tell”, participants like you in the caregiving community will share “favorite caregiving things”. Guest moderators from the University of Kansas Movement Disorders Clinic will welcome care partners from around the country to bring us your proven practices, assistive devices, communications or coping strategies, or other tips that make life better for your person with Parkinson’s and YOU! As you register, please indicate whether you have something to share with the online audience, and we’ll give you time in the Town Hall to briefly share your tip or tool, and how it helps. Don’t be shy, the Parkinson’s Foundation knows care partners are true PD experts, and organizers are eager to have you share that expertise with others while maybe picking up a tip or two yourself!
– Guest moderators from the University of Kansas Movement Disorders Clinic
– Care partners from around the country, including YOU!
– Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
Register from this webpage.
*Due to the nature of this town hall and to protect the privacy of participants, this town hall will not be recorded or archived. By not recording, the hope is participants will feel free and comfortable to share and that the program provides an intimate and “in the moment” experience.*
Thursday, February 18, 9am
New to Parkinson’s? Steps to Take Today
Panelists will discuss practical tips for navigating a new Parkinson’s diagnosis. We’ll cover how to build your care team, ways to connect with the community and opportunities to participate in research. Bring your questions for our experts!
– Panel TBA
– Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the MJFF website.
Saturday, February 20, 8am-2:15pm
The Victory Summit®: Virtual Event – Newly Diagnosed
Information and inspiration to help you on your Parkinson’s journey. During this event, you will hear from and interact with movement disorder specialists, neuropsychologists, physical therapists, and people living with Parkinson’s about how to live well and thrive with Parkinson’s.
– Multiple
– Davis Phinney Foundation (DPF)
Register from this webpage.
In about a week, the webinar recording will be posted to the DPF website.
Tuesday, February 23, 8am
Are My Golden Years Gone—or Just Rusty?
Was caregiving on your “bucket list” for retirement? Are you experiencing the adventurous and fulfilling retirement you spent your life dreaming about? If no is the answer to these questions, please join us for some facts, tips, and discussion on how to shake the rust and revitalize your envisioned “Golden Years”!
– Evalyn Greb, LCSW
Host: Caregiver Teleconnection
Register here.
In about a week, the teleconference recording will be posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection’s SoundCloud page.
Friday, February 25, 10am-12pm
Better Lives, Together: Fresno Parkinson’s Summit
People with Parkinson’s, their loved ones, caregivers, health professionals, and supporters are invited to join the Parkinson’s Foundation for a discussion about research into environmental exposures, coordinating Parkinson’s care, and exercise options for Parkinson’s.
– Beate Ritz, MD, PhD, UCLA, “Environmental Exposures and Parkinson’s”
– Maya Katz, MD, Movement Disorders Specialist, Stanford, “Holistic Health and Wellness for PD”
– Parkinson’s Foundation (PF), Fresno Chapter
Register from this webpage.
As this event is sponsored by a local PF chapter, it is unclear if the recording will be available online. To inquire, you can contact this event’s organizer, Sarah Osborne by email or by phone at 661-360-5544.
Friday, February 26, 10am-noon
Parkinson’s Falls Prevention Workshop
Due to the nature of symptoms of Parkinson’s, people with the disease are more at risk of falls. Parkinson’s disease affects the parts of the brain controlling balance and coordination. Additionally, some drugs used to treat Parkinson’s can lower blood pressure, causing a feeling of faintness when getting up from a sitting or lying position (called Orthostatic Hypotension). This workshop is intended for people living with Parkinson’s, including family & friends.
– Ronda Field, Physiotherapist, Injury Prevention & Assessment, Fraser Health
– Shianne Bains, Coordinator, Injury Prevention & Assessment, Fraser Health
– Deana Burtnick, Lifeline Coordinator, Fraser Health
Host: Impact Parkinsons
Register by email or call 604-525-2631.
We find no evidence this workshop will be recorded and available for later viewing, but you can inquire to the email address or phone number above.
Friday, February 26, 9am
Alternative Therapies for Parkinson’s
This will be a talk on a wide variety of alternative therapies available to people with Parkinson’s.
– Alexander Baumgartner, MD, University of Colorado Movement Disorders Center
Host: Parkinson Association of the Rockies (PAR)
Register here.
In about a week, the teleconference recording will be posted to the PAR website.