Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of caregiving-related webinars and virtual events. Most of the webinars listed are for a general audience and are free. Be sure to register in advance! Some of the events have registration deadlines.
The list below is of June 2021 caregiver-focused webinars and virtual events with speakers. This month I noticed several opportunities to see the film SPARK, including June 30th when our local community will be screening it with a panel discussion including a neurologist featured in the film and two Lewy body dementia caregivers. If you haven’t heard of it, SPARK is a 45-minute adaptation of the film Robin’s Wish, about Robin Williams’ struggle for a diagnosis.
We encourage you to register for any of these events you are interested in. That way, if you aren’t able to attend the live event, you will be alerted when the recording is available. Note: Some events have early registration deadlines.
We encourage you to register for any of these events you are interested in. That way, if you aren’t able to attend the live event, you will be alerted when the recording is available.
About the list below, unless indicated, all webinars and virtual events are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. (Commonly the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- If there is no speaker indicated, the speaker is unknown at the time of this email.
- For a general audience.
- Not focused on a single medication. (Those are excluded.)
- Free.
- Usually posted to the host website or YouTube channel in about a week.
– Denise
Wednesday, June 2, 10am
The Nurse Role in Coping with Thinking Changes in Parkinson’s
Cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease can lead to struggles maintaining quality of life for the person with Parkinson’s as well as their care partner. With the addition of a nurse as a part of the care team, they can assist in observing for signs of cognitive decline, as well as adapting education, and coordinating care in order to optimize quality of life for the person with Parkinson’s and their care partner.
Speaker: Jenna Iseringhausen, RN
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
The recording will be posted to the Parkinson’s Foundation Wellness Wednesdays webpage.
Thursday, June 3, 8am-10am
SPARK – Lewy Body Dementia and Robin Williams’ Story
The first 30 minutes of this event will be “Dementia Conversations” and then the film will be presented. The film will enhance learning and understanding of LBD. After the film, speakers will present about the disease and then will facilitate a 10–15 minute Q and A session.
Doug Scharre, MD
Ari Merola, MD
Hosts: Ohio State University’s Center for Cognitive and Memory Disorders, the Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA), and the Alzheimer’s Association
Register here.
The recording of the “Dementia Conversations” portion of this event may be posted to LBDAtv on YouTube.
Saturday, June 5, 6am-12pm
Parkinson Place Virtual Summit
Description:A dynamic and inspiring interactive forum highlighting the latest in evidence-based programs, treatments, products and educational opportunities for Parkinson’s patients and caregivers.
Speakers: multiple
Host: Parkinson Place
See the Agenda here.
The conference may be recorded and posted to the Parkinson Place YouTube channel.
Wednesday, June 9, 1-2:30pm
Parkinson’s and Lewy Body: How to Manage and Thrive
This talk focuses on differences between Parkinson’s dementia and Lewy body dementia and how to manage symptoms and behaviors. CEUs available.
Registration Fee: $15
Speaker: Michelle Dhanak, MD
Host: Dr. Liz Geriatrics
Register here.
The recording may be posted to the video section of Dr. Liz’s website.
Thursday, June 10, 11am-12:30pm
SPARK Movie Screening and Panel Discussion
A free viewing of the film SPARK: Robin Williams and his Battle with Lewy Body Dementia. The film will highlight key messages that can enhance learning and understanding of LBD, improve diagnosis and detection, and offer LBD families a way to feel connected to resources and support. The documentary will be followed by a panel discussion.
Mike Belleville, person with LBD
Barney Nelson, person with LBD
Hosts: The Dementia Action Alliance’s Optimizing Well-Being Workgroup and Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA)
Register here.
The recording of the “Dementia Conversations” portion of this event may be posted to LBDAtv on YouTube.
Friday, June 11, 8am
Safer at Home Educational Series: “Modifications to Help Make Your Home Safer” (Session 2)
The speaker will discuss ways in which a few key modifications can help you stay in your home safely.
Speaker: Arlene Grosso, gerontologist, owner of M&D Enterprise
Host: Neuro Challenge
Register here.
The recording may be posted to the Neuro Challenge YouTube channel.
Saturday, June 12, 6am
4th Annual Parkinson’s Expo
This event is designed to educate, engage, and empower the Parkinson’s community. The Expo will comprehensively address the needs of people with PD and their care partners by offering high-quality info presented by nationally renowned experts in the field. The Expo will feature a virtual exhibit hall, live presentations, and a myriad of resources to help people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers live well with the disease today.
Speakers: Multiple
Host: Neuro Challenge
Featured Presentations:
Register here.
Recordings may be posted to the Neuro Challenge YouTube channel.
Monday, June 14, 10am
Understanding Neuropsychological Testing: A Guide for Patients and Families
The process of neuropsychological testing and what to expect for patients and families.
Speaker: Jay Schneiders, PhD
Host: Parkinson Association of the Rockies (PAR)
Register here.
The webinar recording will be posted to the PAR YouTube channel.
Thursday, June 17, 10am-12pm
(Registration closes June 15)
Debriefing the Caregiver Role
In collaboration with the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre, Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) offers this workshop to those who have recently lost a loved one with Parkinson’s disease. Grief, coping, and healing will be discussed. Elaine Book, Social Worker at the Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre, and Tricia Wallace, Clinical Counsellor at PSBC will facilitate.
Elaine Book, MSW, Pacific Parkinson’s Research Center
Tricia Wallace, Clinical Counsellor, PSBC
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
Registration closes June 15. Register here.
The recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel.
Friday, June 18, 9am
Safer at Home Educational Series: “How Technology Can Help You Stay Safe at Home” (Session 3)
Learn ways technology can help you live safer at home.
Speaker: Beth Stager
Host: Neuro Challenge
Register here.
The recording may be posted to the Neuro Challenge YouTube channel.
Friday, June 18, 3pm
Caring with Melanie: Sundowning
People living with dementia often experience additional confusion, restlessness, or other changes in the late afternoon or evening. While not always occurring at this time of day, the term “sundowning” or “sundown syndrome” is sometimes attached to this situation. The first of three in the Caring with Melanie series, this session covers why sundowning might happen, how to identify it and possibly decrease its frequency, as well as tried and true tips to minimize its effects.
Speaker: Melanie Bunn, Nurse Practitioner
Host: Dementia Alliance of North Carolina (DANC)
Cost: $10 per webinar or all 3 for $20
Other dates are June 22, “Aggression and Resistance,” and June 29, “Hallucinations and Delusions.”
Register here.
The recording will be posted to the DANC YouTube channel.
Tuesday, June 22, 12pm
Care Partnering in Parkinson’s: The Emotional Roller Coaster
This is the second of a 4-part series of virtual panel discussions designed by and for Parkinson’s care partners. This panel covers the emotional roller coaster many PD care partners experience from the time of diagnosis to many years later. This session seeks to normalize and demystify emotions that might occur by explaining how a PD diagnosis fits with the stages of grief. This panel includes first-hand accounts from a newer care partner and someone who is more experienced. In everyday life we are not always ready or encouraged to share our emotions. Learn coping techniques for the entire range of emotions that are normal in life as a care partner.
Moderator: Julie Carter, RN, MN, ANP
Talk #1: Riding the emotional roller coaster throughout the PD journey: It’s ALL normal
Panelist: Elizabeth Delaney, LMSW
Talk #2: Care partner Story
Panelist: William Shapiro
Talk #3: Care partner Story
Panelist: Karen St. Clair
Host: World Parkinson Coalition (WPC)
Information about all four topics in this series. Register for one or all here.
The recording will be posted to the WPC website.
Friday, June 22, 3pm
Caring with Melanie: Aggression and Resistance
One of the most difficult aspects of caring for a person living with dementia is when they do not understand or agree with daily care. In some instances, yelling, cursing or even physical combativeness might occur. This session will explore what is behind these behaviors and how we, as caregivers, can make changes to reduce or minimize them.
Speaker: Melanie Bunn, Nurse Practitioner
Host: Dementia Alliance of North Carolina (DANC)
Cost: $10 per webinar or all 3 for $20
Other dates are June 15, “Sundowning,” and June 29, “Hallucinations and Delusions.”
Register here.
The webinar recording will be posted to the DANC YouTube channel.
Monday, June 28, 9am
Sexuality and Intimacy
A candid discussion on how sexuality and intimacy are impacted by movement disorders.
Maria Cristina Ospina, MD, movement disorder specialist
Erica Vitek, OT, expert in pelvic muscle dysfunction
Anissa Mitchell, LCSW
Host: PMD Alliance
Register here.
The recording will be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel.
Friday, June 29, 3pm
Caring with Melanie: Hallucinations and Delusions
While not always a concern with dementia, hallucinations and delusions can be some of the most difficult concerns to live with. As caregivers, understanding why these might occur can help us to figure out how to diminish them. This webinar will discuss the what, why, when and how of helping someone living with dementia through these behaviors.
Speaker: Melanie Bunn, Nurse Practitioner
Host: Dementia Alliance of North Carolina (DANC)
Cost: $10 per webinar or all 3 for $20
Other dates are June 15, “Sundowning,” and June 22, “Aggression and Resistance.”
Register here.
The recording will be posted to the DANC YouTube channel.
Wednesday, June 30, 11am-12:30pm
SPARK – Robin Williams and his Battle With Lewy Body Dementia
The film “SPARK” tells the story of Robin Williams’ battle with undiagnosed Lewy body dementia (LBD). It delves into the known science behind the disease and highlights the disease’s impact on the person with LBD and their family caregiver. A panel discussion with audience Q&A will follow the film. Panelists include Bruce Miller, MD, who is featured in the film, and two members of the Brain Support Network local LBD caregiver support group.
Speakers: Bruce Miller, MD and two Lewy body dementia caregivers
Host: Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA), Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA), and Brain Support Network (BSN)
Register here.
A recording of the panel discussion may be posted to the FCA or BSN websites.