Dr. Kathleen Poston, director of the Stanford Movement Disorders Center, will be speaking on “The Prodrome of PD” at the PANC Annual Conference on Saturday, October 23, 2021. A “prodrome” is when we can see some symptoms of early Parkinson’s disease (PD) but not enough to warrant a diagnosis. Another term used is “preclinical.” Dr. Poston will address whether there are motor and non-motor signs that can help identify PD earlier. Registration for the full-day conference — in-person in Roseville and virtually — is open now.
By the time someone develops the motor symptoms of PD — tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, or gait issues — 70-80% of the dopamine-producing neurons in the brain have died. Dr. Poston’s research focuses on biomarkers to identify those with PD, ideally before any motor symptoms appear. Once we have therapeutics to delay the disease, early identification of those with PD will mean early intervention. Dr. Poston’s 30-minute talk on “The Prodrome of PD” will give an overview of these topics.
There are many other speakers at the full-day conference. See the agenda.
Here’s a description about the conference from PANC (Parkinson Association of Northern California):
Join us as we “Navigate Parkinson’s Disease with a Warrior Attitude”. You will learn about treatments, see ideas for exercise, and meet our sponsors and exhibitors who will provide resources that may help you and your loved ones on the journey. National, and locally renowned speakers and PD experts are coming together to share current information relating to Parkinson’s disease. Topics include young onset Parkinson’s disease, Prodrome of Parkinson’s, Rewriting Your Future, Tackling Tough Situations.
Who should attend? Anyone affected by Parkinson’s disease: persons with Parkinson’s disease, family, care partners, friends, medical professionals, and support resource providers will benefit.
Why should you attend? The in-person conference is a great opportunity to learn more about Parkinson’s disease from nationally recognized speakers. Explore the sponsor/exhibit hall, participate in the movement breaks, enter a contest for great prizes and commiserate with your colleagues. The live streaming conference is a great alternative for those not ready to meet in person or travel to Roseville, CA. You will learn more about Parkinson’s disease from nationally recognized speakers, participate in the movement breaks and receive an electronic roster of the sponsors and exhibitors to use as a resource guide.
Cost and Registration: Registration is $30 per person for in-person conference and $20 per person for live streaming conference. Reserved table near the stage for up to 10 people $500.
The conference location allows for social distancing and every effort will be made to keep all attendees safe. We will be following state and local health and safety guidelines.
“Navigating Parkinson’s with a Warrior Attitude”: PANC Annual Education Conference
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2021
Time: 9:30am (welcome) – 3pm (end)
Location: The Roebbelen Center @theGrounds, 700 Event Center Dr., Roseville, CA 95678 (Doors open at 8:30am)
In-Person Attendance: $30
Live Streaming Registration: $20
Register here or by phone 916-357-6641 (PANC)