Our Palo Alto Parkinson’s Support Group meetings have resumed, albeit virtually. Since there are so many PD-related webinars happening, our guest speakers focus on cutting edge research going on at Stanford. At next Wednesday’s November 10th, 2:30-4pm, virtual support group meeting, the guest speaker will be Birgitt Schüle, MD, a researcher with Stanford Pathology.
Dr. Schüle will speak on “Alpha-synuclein as a therapeutic target for Parkinson’s disease: challenges and opportunities.” If you have any idea what that means, come find out!
Contact group leader Robin Riddle, phone 650-724-6090, for the meeting link or to sign up for the meeting reminder email list.
About the speakerDr. Schüle focuses on medical genetics and stem cell modeling to unlock disease mechanisms and pathways leading to neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, and to develop new therapeutic strategies to advance precision medicine. The line of research she is pursuing runs counter to current scientific concepts. She is investigating whether common genes and pathways underlie both neurodegeneration and neurodevelopment. This knowledge could help guide future therapeutic strategies of lowering alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease and could provide insights into early, potentially reversible disease mechanisms critical for both neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration.
About the Palo Alto PD Support Group
Stanford’s APDA Information & Referral Center and Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach coordinate a local Parkinson’s Disease (PD) support group in Palo Alto. Pre-pandemic, we met at a senior housing community and, prior to that, at a senior center. As of March 2021, we are now meeting virtually. Our meetings highlight local resources we believe the community should know about or local research.
We meet the second Wednesday of each month, 2:30-4pm PT. You can find recordings of past guest speakers on our group’s webpage.