Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of Parkinson’s-related webinars and virtual meetings with speakers. Here’s our November 2022 list.
What’s the difference between a webinar and a virtual meeting? A “webinar” has a handful of speakers at most, and attendees have both audio and video muted. A “virtual meeting” usually allows attendees to be seen and heard.
We recommend you register NOW for anything of interest. That way, if there’s a recording, as a registrant you’ll receive an email alerting you to the recording availability. Also, note that a few webinars have registration deadlines well in advance of the webinar dates.
Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach will try to attend as many of these events as possible and share our notes. Our notes about PD webinars are often posted here to our blog. We email our notes to the “Stanford PD Info” and “PD Caregivers” email lists, depending on the relevance to those audiences.
We publish to our blog an additional caregiver-specific webinar and virtual event list, which is sent to those on our “PD Caregivers” list. That list includes some events not included here since those events are for caregivers only.
If you are a caregiver to someone with PD, we encourage you to be added to our “PD Caregivers” email list.
Unless indicated, the webinar and virtual meetings listed below are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. We suggest you join five minutes before the official start-time. (Usually, the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- For a general audience. (Again, caregiver-specific events are on our other list.)
- Not focused on a single medication or single, branded treatment. (Those are excluded.)
- Free.
After that long preamble, here’s our list of PD-related webinars and virtual meetings in November 2022…
Tuesday, November 1, 10-11:30am
Celebrando y cuidando durante las fiestas
Nota: El seminario web NO es específica para la enfermedad de Parkinson.
Anfitrión: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton, CA
No hay información disponible sobre la grabación de este seminario web.
Tuesday, November 2, 1-2:30pm
Durable Medical Equipment 101
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Host: Valley Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Fresno, CA
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Thursday, November 4, 1:30-3pm
Pérdida y Duelo
Nota: El seminario web NO es específica para la enfermedad de Parkinson.
Anfitrión: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton, CA
No hay información disponible sobre la grabación de este seminario web.
Saturday, November 5, 7:30am-9:30am
[Parkinson’s] Care Partner Summit Southeast
The presentations and discussion will focus on how to manage evolving roles and identity as well as thinking changes in Parkinson’s.
Note: This is a hybrid event – in-person and virtual.
Multiple speakers, including care partner panelists from the Southeast
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
Agenda and registration webpage
No information is available about the recording of this event.
Saturday, November 5, 8:30am-10:30am
[Parkinson’s] Care Partner Summit Midwest
The presentations and discussion will focus on how to manage evolving roles and identity as well as thinking changes in Parkinson’s.
Note: This is a hybrid event – in-person and virtual.
Sheila Rane Eichenseer, MD, neurologist, Medical College of Wisconsin
Care partner panelists from the Midwest
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
Agenda and registration webpage
No information is available about the recording of this event.
Saturday, November 5, 9am-12pm
Caregiver University Conference
Speakers will address the needs of families in any stage of caregiving. This is an annual event.
Note: This conference is NOT specific to PD.
Multiple speakers
Host: Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Santa Cruz
Conference presentations will be recorded and posted on the Del Mar CRC Education webpage
Saturday, November 5, 10am-11:30am
[Parkinson’s] Care Partner Summit West
The presentations and discussion will focus on how to manage evolving roles and identity as well as thinking changes in Parkinson’s.
Note: This is a hybrid event – in-person and virtual.
Lee Neilson, MD, NW PADRECC and Oregon Health & Science University
Louise Marasco, PhD, Oregon Health & Science University
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation
Agenda and registration webpage
No information is available about the recording of this event.
Monday, November 7, 8am
Modern Caregiving for Modern Millennials
The characteristics of millennial caregivers will be explored, as will how generational differences in perspective can make caregiving more challenging. Specific resources for millennial caregivers will be shared.
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Elliot Montgomery Sklar, PhD, MS
Samara Yesovitch, MS
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website.
Martes, 8 de noviembre, 10am
Cómo prepararnos en el tiempo de celebración y frío para
estar sanos
El ponente hablará de consejos prácticos para ayudar a disfrutar como debe serlas festividades por venir. La prevención es la mejor medicina.
Nota: El seminario web NO es específica para la enfermedad de Parkinson.
Presentadora: Ilan Shapiro, MD, AltaMed Health Services, Los Angeles
Anfitrión: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
El seminario web se grabará y publicará en el sitio web Caregiver Teleconnection.
Tuesday, November 8, 11am
Dementia with Difficult People
A panel discussion format that will take questions from attendees.
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Kimberly Best, RN, MA, author
Malia Kline, Author
Susan Landeis, Author, CNC, caregiver advocate
Barbara Milton, PhD, LCSW (ret.), author
Vicki Tapia, Author, founder and a director of AlzAuthors
Hosts: AlzAuthors
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the AlzAuthors YouTube channel.
Tuesday, November 8, 2-3:30pm
What to Know Before Seeking Long-Term Care
Learn what you should consider before placing your loved one in a long-term care facility.
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: Long-term care ombuds, Fresno/Madera
Hosts: Valley Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Fresno, CA
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Tuesday, November 8, 4-5:30pm
What Is the Sandwich Generation?
The “sandwich generation” refers to people who are simultaneously parenting children and caring for an older adult. The speaker will provide an overview of this growing population in California (and the nation) and the unique challenges its members face. Part of the “Sandwiched” Speaker series.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: Simone Nazzal, MA, education and outreach coordinator, Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center
Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Citrus Heights, CA
Child Life Mommy, Serving the Sacramento area
Christy Byrne Yates, Sandwich Generation Coaching
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Miércoles, 9 de noviembre, 7am
El Parkinson, la investigación y los aliados en el cuidado
Hablaremos sobre temas de los cuidadores, Parkinson avanzado, salud mental, y la investigación clínica.
Anfitrión: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
No hay información disponible sobre la grabación de este seminario web.
Wednesday, November 9, 12pm
Caregiving Challenges and Impacts
This program will explore the top five care partner challenges and impacts on emotional health, and provide you with the tools to regain balance and ask for help.
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 9, 12pm
Caregiving Discussion with Dave Iverson
The author will be discussing his memoir “Winter Stars: An Elderly Mother, An Aging Son, and Life’s Final Journey,” which offers an intimate, unvarnished portrait of the challenges and changes that caregivers may encounter, followed by a Q&A.
Speaker: Dave Iverson, journalist, author, caregiver, and person with Parkinson’s
Host: Brian Grant Foundation (BGF)
Read about the speaker on the registration webpage
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 9, 12-1:30pm
Tips to Combating Isolation
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: Aida Blanco, mental health clinician, Inland Caregiver Resource Center
Host: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton, CA
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Thursday, November 10, 8am-11am
Caregiver Wellness – Mind, Body, Spirit
The authors of “Thrive: Living Your Best Life with Mental Illness” and “Take Your Oxygen First,” will speak on the topic of caregiver wellness. This is the ninth annual caregiver summit.
Notes: This conference is NOT specific to PD. CEUs will be provided for Nursing and Social Work.
Margaret Chrisolm, MD, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD
Jamie Huysman, PsyD, LCSW, Wellmed Charitable Foundation, San Antonio, TX
Hosts: Wellmed Charitable Foundation and AACOG Area Agencies on Aging
The 2022 Caregiver Summit will probably be recorded and made available to registrants. A recording of the 2021 Caregiver Summit is posted to YouTube on the Wellmed Charitable Foundation’s YouTube channel in a non-public place and can be viewed here
Jueves, 10 de noviembre, 3pm
Como Hablar con su Doctor
Este taller ayuda a arrojar luz sobre las realidades actuales de la experiencia de la atención médica, le enseña cómo identificar y utilizar técnicas de comunicación más efectivas con los profesionales de la salud y practicar herramientas y técnicas de comunicación poderosas para ser un mejor defensor con los profesionales de la salud en nombre de su ser querido.
Note: El seminario web NO es específica para la enfermedad de Parkinson.
Anfitrión: Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA), San Francisco, CA
No hay información disponible sobre la grabación de este seminario web.
Thursday, November 10, 2-3:30pm
Self Care
The speaker will discuss the five aspects of self-care: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: James Owens, MD
Host: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton, CA
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Friday, November 11, 12:30-2:30pm
Is It the Right Time? The Nursing Home Decision
Watch a video that deals with the tough decision of nursing home placement, and how one family struggled with that decision. Following the video, there will be a discussion exploring placement options, including accessing supportive resources to find appropriate residential care, indicators that residential care may be necessary, and how to approach a move.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Hosts: Kaiser Permanente and Redwood Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Santa Rosa, CA
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Saturday, November 12, 8-11am
[Parkinson’s] Care Partner Summit
Speakers will give care partners a better understanding of PD and strategies on maintaining a healthy mindset and positive outlook. This is the fourth annual summit.
Note: This is a hybrid event – in-person and virtual.
Multiple speakers
Host: Parkinson Association of the Rockies (PAR)
The summit may be recorded and posted to the PAR YouTube channel
Saturday, November 12, 10:30am
Caregiving for PD: Navigating Your Options and Planning for the Future
In this interactive forum two professionals and a PD Active member will discuss planning for future caregiving needs, including how to know when it is time to get outside help, how to select a care community or in-home caregiver, costs, how to afford care, and making adjustments to your home.
Janet Thompson, Senior Sales Counselor at St. Paul’s Towers and a trainer for The East Bay Conversation Project
Veronica Sibley, BA, Director of Marketing with Senior Alternatives home care and care management
Janelle Reinelt, PD Active Member
Host: PD Active
The summit may be recorded and posted to the PD Active YouTube channel
Monday, November 14, 10am
Managing the Holiday Challenges of Family Caregivers
Join in a yearly interactive conversation about holiday activities when you are a caregiver. What are your challenges, what has worked for you in the past, what have you had to change from traditional celebrations, and how do you balance caregiving and self-care?
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: Sue Wallace, CSA
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website.
Tuesday, November 15, 4-5:30pm
How to Help Kids Navigate Debilitating Diseases and Death
Learn to communicate medical information to children and teens while fostering healthy family relationships. Part of the “Sandwiched” Speaker series.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: Shani Thornton, child life specialist
Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Citrus Heights, CA
Child Life Mommy, Serving the Sacramento area
Christy Byrne Yates, Sandwich Generation Coaching
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Wednesday, November 16, 6am
Enjoying the Holidays [when dealing with dementia]
The speaker will talk about managing the holidays while living with any level of dementia. There are ways to decrease your stress and make the holidays more enjoyable for you and for your person living with dementia.
Share your own situation, and join the discussion.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: Melanie Bunn, RN, MS
Host: Dementia Alliance of North Carolina (DANC)
The webinar recording may be posted to the DANC YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 16, 10am
[Parkinson’s] Care Partner Program
This interactive program will focus on providing tools and information to help care partners, friends, and families as they navigate the daily challenges of PD.
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
This webinar will be posted on PF’s Past Wellness Wednesdays webpage
Wednesday, November 16, 12pm
Life Balance In Caregiving
Learn to develop awareness, build confidence and maintain self-care to help feel more balanced in life as you continue in your caregiving role.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: Shani Thornton, child life specialist
Hosts: Passages Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Chico
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Wednesday, November 16, 12:30-2pm
Communicating in Challenging Situations
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Hosts: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton, CA
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Jueves, 17 de noviembre, 8am-11am
Cumbre Española de Cuidadores: Bienestar del cuidador: mente, cuerpo y espíritu
Dos grandes oradores compartirán cómo puede cambiar su enfoque y darse permiso para tomar medidas hacia el cuidado personal.
Nota: El seminario web NO es específica para la enfermedad de Parkinson.
Oradores TBA
Anfitrión: Wellmed Charitable Foundation and AACOG Area Agencies on Aging
La grabación del seminario web se puede publicar en el sitio web de Wellmed
Thursday, November 17, 10am
Area Agency on Aging
The speaker, a family caregiver specialist, will share the mission of area agencies on aging and the services they provide the community she serves in the Central Iowa region.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Speaker: Kay Vanags, Aging Resources of Central Iowa
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association Iowa Chapter (APDA Iowa)
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the APDA Iowa YouTube channel
Thursday, November 17, 10am
Grief, Ambiguous Loss & Caregiving
Caring for someone who is both physically present, but mentally absent can leave caregivers confused and overwhelmed. In this important workshop you will learn what ambiguous loss is, how loss affects caregivers, and what to do if you’re grieving.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Yvonne Kuo, MSG, CMC
Family Consultant, USC FCSC
Host: USC Leonard Davis Family Caregiver Support Center
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Friday, November 18, 11am-12:30pm
Guided Pathways For Family Caregivers
Participants will take a free, scientific survey on character strengths before the class. They will introduce themselves by sharing a short story about themselves and share their first impressions of their results from the “Values In Action” Survey of Character Strengths. This is an interactive workshop.
Note: The program is NOT specific to PD.
Hosts: Redwood Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Santa Rosa
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Monday, November 21, 6-7:30pm
Caregiving & The Holidays
The speaker will discuss what types of stress and emotions happen over the holidays, how to make a plan, and other things to consider to make the holidays enjoyable for everyone.
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Hosts: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Monday, November 21, 7pm
Let’s Talk Caregiving, with Dave Iverson
Dave Iverson was a broadcast journalist who’d recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s when he decided to do something he’d never quite imagined: he moved in to take care of his 95-year-old mom. His new book, “Winter Stars,” is the story of their decade-long caregiving odyssey, which lasted until Adelaide Iverson’s death at the age of 105. Hear more about Dave’s journey as a caregiver to his mother, while living with PD himself.
Speaker: Dave Iverson, journalist, author, caregiver, and person with Parkinson’s
Host: Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PCLA YouTube channel