Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of Parkinson’s-related webinars and virtual meetings with speakers. Here’s our March 2023 list.
What’s the difference between a webinar and a virtual meeting? A “webinar” has a handful of speakers at most, and attendees have both audio and video muted. A “virtual meeting” usually allows attendees to be seen and heard.
We recommend you register NOW for anything of interest. That way, if there’s a recording, as a registrant you’ll receive an email alerting you to the recording availability. Also, note that a few webinars have registration deadlines well in advance of the webinar dates.
Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach will try to attend as many of these events as possible and share our notes. Our notes about PD webinars are often posted here to our blog. We email our notes to the “Stanford PD Info” and “PD Caregivers” email lists, depending on the relevance to those audiences.
We publish to our blog an additional caregiver-specific webinar and virtual event list, which is sent to those on our “PD Caregivers” list. That list includes some events not included here since those events are for caregivers only.
If you are a caregiver to someone with PD, we encourage you to be added to our “PD Caregivers” email list.
Unless indicated, the webinar and virtual meetings listed below are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. We suggest you join five minutes before the official start-time. (Usually, the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- For a general audience. (Again, caregiver-specific events are on our other list.)
- Not focused on a single medication or single, branded treatment. (Those are excluded.)
- Free.
After that long preamble, here’s our list of PD-related webinars and virtual meetings in March 2023…
Wednesday, March 1, 8am
How to Cope with Fear
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: Coping with the declining health of someone around us can trigger fear – fear about what is to come, and even fear about our own health. This session will address coping with ongoing fear and anxiety. Afterwards, Lucy will stay on the line and offer personal support. This is the first of a series on coping with emotions.
Lucy Barylak, MSW
Montgomery Sklar, PhD
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The presentation part of the webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
Wednesday, March 1, 12pm
Self Care for the Care Partner: Fantasy or Reality?
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: The speaker, a nurse practitioner with over 35 years of experience in neurology/neurosurgery, was a caregiver for her mother following a stroke. She will discuss the impact of caregiving on mental, emotional and physical health, finding resources, and the Caregiver Bill of Rights.
Speaker: Maureen Gartner, NP-C, nurse practitioner
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Thursday, March 2, 11am
Beginning the Dementia Journey, Part II
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: The speaker will review the steps and challenges encountered by family caregivers as it becomes apparent a loved one has cognitive issues. Bring questions about challenges you are experiencing. This is the second session in a two-part series.
Speaker: Tam Cummings, PhD
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
lunes, 6 de marzo, 1:30-3pm
Ansiedad y agitación
Nota: Este seminario web NO es específico para la EP.
No hay descripción disponible.
Host: Inland Caregiver Resource Center, Colton, CA
The webinar will not be recorded.
martes, 7 de marzo, 8am
Cuidando a un Adulto Mayor con Mal Carácter
Nota: Este seminario web NO es específico para la EP.
Descripción: Esta sesión te brindará una serie de consejos para seguir cuidando a tu ser querido aún cuando se vuelva impaciente, irritable, impulsivo, grosero, exigente o incluso violento. El orador discutirá cómo reaccionar; implementar métodos de comunicación; poner límites; y velar por su bienestar.
Oradora: Leticia Guzman Sanchez, BS, QDCP
Anfitriona: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
El seminario web se grabará y publicará en el sitio web Caregiver Teleconnection
Tuesday, March 7, 12-12:30pm
Spotlight on Services: Respite Care
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: Learn how respite services can become an important part of a caregiving plan.
Host: Del Oro and Passages Caregiver Resource Centers, Citrus Heights and Chico, CA
The webinar will not be recorded.
Wednesday, March 8, 8am
How to Cope with Anger
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: Many of us feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and angry at times along the caregiving journey. Interpersonal conflict can also surface when it comes to sharing responsibilities and making difficult decisions. This session will address healthy ways to deal with anger and conflict. Afterwards, Lucy will stay on the line and offer personal support. This is the second of a series on coping with emotions.
Lucy Barylak, MSW
Montgomery Sklar, PhD
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The presentation part of this webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
Wednesday, March 8, 10:30-12pm
Coping with Emotions of Caregiving
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: This class will discuss ways to cope with and manage the difficult emotions experienced by caregivers, including love, loss, anger, affection, sadness, frustration, and guilt.
Host: Orange Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Fullerton, CA
Tune into the Orange CRC live stream YouTube webpage at the time of the event
The webinar may be recorded and posted to the videos section of the Orange CRC YouTube channel
miércoles, 8 de marzo, 1:30-3:30pm
Combatiendo la soledad del cuidador
Nota: Este seminario web NO es específico para la EP.
No hay descripción disponible.
Anfitriona: Inland Caregiver Resource Center, Colton, CA
El webinar no será grabado.
viernes, 10 de marzo, 10am
Comportamientos de Demencia Difíciles
Nota: Este seminario web NO es específico para la EP.
Descripción: El orador hablará sobre el manejo de comportamientos difíciles, la creación de una red de apoyo eficaz y el tratamiento de los problemas de seguridad.
Oradoro: Andres Sviercovich, LCSW
Anfitriona: Valley Caregiver Resource Center, Fresno, CA
El webinar no será grabado.
Friday, March 10, 11am
Hospice & Palliative Care
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
No description available.
Host: Orange Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Fullerton, CA
The webinar will not be recorded.
Friday, March 10, 12:30-2:30pm
Communicating With Moderately and Severely Confused Older Adults
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: Video clips will be shown to demonstrate specific communication strategies and techniques that allow for connection with a cognitively-impaired person, regardless of the content of the conversation. We will discuss adjusting the way we approach communication in the context of a dementia diagnosis, why logic and reasoning won’t work, and how to get “a foot in the door.”
Host: Redwood Caregiver Resource Center, Santa Rosa, CA
The webinar will not be recorded.
Tuesday, March 14, 9am
Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: The speaker will outline the most common behavioral disturbances associated with dementia such as agitation, verbal aggression (obscenities, accusation, etc.), physical aggression (pacing, biting, hitting), wandering, hoarding, sleep issues, sexual inhibition, and hallucinations. We will discuss the potential for escalating dangers associated with behavioral problems as well as the havoc it may create for caregiver burnout and the overall welfare of the patient.
Speaker: Nestor H. Praderio, MD, Corpus Christi, TX
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
Wednesday, March 15, 8am
How to Handle Uncertainty
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: This interactive session will address how to cope with the uncertainty caregivers all feel at times. We’ll talk about making informed decisions. Afterwards, Lucy will stay on the line and offer personal support. This is the third of a series on coping with emotions.
Lucy Barylak, MSW
Jenna Labell, clinical psychology doctoral candidate, Université de Montréal
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The presentation part of the webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
miércoles, 15 de marzo, 3-4:30pm
Tome Cargo! (Take Charge!)
Nota: Este seminario web NO es específico para la EP.
Descripción: Este seminario web analiza cómo hablar sobre sus deseos de atención con las personas importantes en su vida y cómo elegir a alguien para que tome decisiones de atención médica por usted si usted no puede hacerlo. El seminario web también cubre cómo escribir sus deseos utilizando las Directivas anticipadas de atención médica y la Orden médica para el tratamiento de soporte vital.
Anfitriona: Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA), San Francisco, CA
Este seminario web se puede grabar y publicar en el canal de YouTube de FCA
viernes, 17 de marzo, 11am
Hospicio y cuidados paliativos
Nota: Este seminario web NO es específico para la EP.
Descripción: Conozca qué son los servicios de hospicio y cuidados paliativos, cuál es la diferencia y los detalles de estos programas.
Anfitriona: Orange Caregiver Resource Center, Fullerton, CA
El webinar no será grabado.
Saturday, March 18, 12:30-2pm
[Dementia] Caregiver 101
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: Introductory training for family members or informal caregivers of someone diagnosed with dementia. Discussions on strategies for dealing with dementia associated symptoms and the importance of advanced planning.
Host: Redwood Caregiver Resource Center, Santa Rosa, CA
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
Tuesday, March 21, 9am
Combating Compassion Fatigue with Mindfulness
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Learn when and how to renew your sense of purpose and connection to prevent overwhelm and caregiver burnout.
Speaker: Cynthia Hazel, MA
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
Wednesday, March 22, 8am
How to Process Sadness
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: Sadness is something difficult for most of us to process and cope with, and a hard thing to talk about – which is why we have a dedicated session in this series to discuss the importance of sadness. We’ll also explore anticipatory grief – a common experience of caregivers. Afterwards, Lucy will stay on the line and offer personal support. This is the fourth of a series on coping with emotions.
Lucy Barylak, MSW
Jenna Labell, clinical psychology doctoral candidate, Université de Montréal
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The presentation part of the webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
Wednesday, March 22, 1-1:30pm
Caring for the Caregiver: Self-Care Activities for Dementia Caregivers
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
No description available.
Host: Southern Caregiver Resource Center, San Diego, CA
No information is available about the recording of this webinar.
miércoles, 22 de marzo, 2-2:30pm
Cuidando al Cuidador: Actividades de Autocuidado para Cuidadores Familiares
Nota: Este seminario web NO es específico para la EP.
No hay descripción disponible
Anfitriona: Southern Caregiver Resource Center, San Diego, CA
El webinar no será grabado.
Thursday, March 23, 11am
Caregivers: Time to Say Goodbye! How to Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: Stress reduction is all about our ability to emotionally self-regulate but realize any improvement must be done in healthy relationships and families. Toxic people are literally “energy vampires” at a time when we need to consolidate and enrich our energies. The speaker will offer an important strategy for your emotional wellbeing and life’s journey.
Speaker: James Huysman, PsyD, LCSW
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
Thursday, March 23, 1-2:30pm
At Home with Hospice: What is Hospice Care?
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: The speaker will provide an overview of the basics of hospice care, clarify what hospice care is all about, discuss the total care that is given, what makes a person eligible for hospice, and how the hospice team makes patients as comfortable as possible.
Speaker: Keven Keck, MD, palliative care physician, Suncrest Care
Host: Del Oro Caregiver Resource Centers, Citrus Heights, CA, and Suncrest Hospice
The webinar will not be recorded.
Thursday, March 23, 1-3pm
Workshop for Intermediate [PD] Stage Care Partners & Adult Children
Audience: Care partners and adult children of someone with intermediate stage PD. Intermediate is 5-10 years from diagnosis.
Description: Learn from and ask your most pressing questions of a leading expert in the movement disorders community. Part of the Getting Real® Virtual series.
Speaker: Ramon-Rodriguez-Cruz, MD, Neurology One, Winter Park, FL
Host: PMD Alliance
Only care partners and adult children of those with intermediate PD should participate. Registration webpage
This program will not be recorded.
Thursday, March 23, 4-5:30pm
Anticipatory Grief Workshop for LGBTQ+ Caregivers
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: A workshop to better understand how anticipatory grief might be affecting you as a LGBTQ+ caregiver. Participants will learn the definition of anticipatory grief, identify ways in which anticipatory grief may be affecting you, and discuss strategies to help process anticipatory grief.
Host: Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA), San Francisco, CA
Este seminario web se puede grabar y publicar en el canal de YouTube de FCA
Tuesday, March 28, 9am
Understanding Grief and Loss
Note: The webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: A conversation about how this past year has impacted the loss process. What should you know, how are the different players helping families through making difficult decisions? Is there anything you can do now to be prepared?
Speaker: Esther Pipoly, founder, Loss of Life Advocates (LOLA)
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection website
Wednesday, March 29, 12pm
Long-Term Care: What you Need to Know
Description: Hear from an elder care attorney who has been providing tailored legal solutions to the specific needs of older adults and their families for over 30 years about how to pay for care, the difference between government funding sources, and the legal documents everyone should have.
Speaker: Jack Rosenkranz, Rosenkranz Law Firm, Tampa, FL
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Wednesday, March 29, 2:30-4pm
LGBTQ Community & Caregiving
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
Description: Learn some of the challenges the LGBTQ community faces as caregivers and where to find resources.
Speaker: Grayson Willow, T4T Caregiving
Host: Inland Caregiver Resource Center, Colton, CA
The webinar will not be recorded.
Thursday, March 30, 2-3:30pm
Difficult Dementia Behaviors
Note: This webinar is NOT specific to PD.
No description available.
Speaker: Steven Grossman, MD
Host: Valley Caregiver Resource Center, Fresno, CA
The webinar will not be recorded.