Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of Parkinson’s-related webinars and virtual meetings with speakers. Here’s our February 2025 list.
What’s the difference between a webinar and a virtual meeting? A “webinar” has a handful of speakers at most, and attendees have both audio and video muted. A “virtual meeting” usually allows attendees to be seen and heard.
We recommend you register NOW for anything of interest. That way, if there’s a recording, as a registrant you’ll receive an email alerting you to the recording availability. Also, note that a few webinars have registration deadlines well in advance of the webinar dates.
Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach will try to attend as many of these events as possible and share our notes. Our notes about PD webinars are often posted to our blog. We email our notes to the “Stanford PD Info” and “PD Caregivers” email lists, depending on the relevance to those audiences.
Unless indicated, the webinar and virtual meetings listed below are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. We suggest you join five minutes before the official start time. (Usually, the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- For a general audience. (Again, caregiver-specific events are on our other list.)
- Not focused on a single medication or single, branded treatment. (Those are excluded.)
- Free
After that long preamble, here’s our list of PD-related webinars and virtual meetings in February 2025.
Saturday, February 1, 6-10:30am
North Florida Parkinson’s Symposium
Description: Speakers will discuss Parkinson’s symptoms, treatments, diet, exercise, staying connected, and progression. Includes live Q&A.
Multiple speakers
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
We have no information about recording this event.
Monday, February 3, 10am
Advocacy and PD
No description available
Speaker: Larry Gifford, co-founder of PD Avengers, and podcaster “When life gives you Parkinson’s”
Host: Philadelphia & Richmond Veterans Administration (VA) Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center (PADRECC)
At the meeting time, use this link to enter the meeting ID and passcode
Meeting ID: 227 305 847 316
Passcode: TXmDJU
Or join by telephone: 872-701-0185 (ID: 666 709 920#)
Questions? Contact Jessica Kaplan, Philadelphia & Richmond VA, jessica.kaplan2@va.gov, 804-675-5931
We have no information about the recording of this event.
Monday, February 3, 1pm
Your Vision and Parkinson’s
Description: The speaker will review the various ocular symptoms that patients with PD may experience and provide tools for how to advocate for the best possible management of these symptoms.
Speaker: Angela Shahbazian, OD, doctor of optometry, UC Berkeley
Host: Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon (PRO)
The webinar recording may be posted on the Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon YouTube channel
Tuesday, February 4, 10am
Group Exercise and PD
Description: The speaker will share how group exercise routines can help you stay consistent with your exercise program, the types of group exercise classes that address specific movement challenges in PD, and tips to harness the unique benefits of exercising in a group setting, including motivation and social support. Part of the “Let’s Keep Moving with APDA” webinar series.
Moderator: Teresa Baker, PT
Speaker: Tim Nordahl, PT, physical therapist, Boston University
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
The webinar recording will be posted to the APDA YouTube channel in the “Let’s Keep Moving with APDA” playlist
Tuesday, February 4, 1:30pm
“Louie, Louie: A Portrait in Parkinson’s,” “Early Onset Memory Loss: Conversations with Letty Tennis,” and “Living After Stroke, Conversations with Couples”
Audience: Caregivers
Note: One of the three films is PD-specific.
Description: These three films explore the experiences of families living with the after effects of different types of dementing illnesses and discuss issues that are common across diagnoses as well as disease-specific challenges. Following the films, there will be a discussion about how caregiving challenges manifest differently depending on a person’s diagnosis.
Host: Redwood Caregiver Resource Center, Santa Rosa, CA
We have no information about recording this event.
Tuesday, February 4, 3:30pm
Etiology, Diagnosis, and Symptoms [of PD]
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speaker will provide an overview of Parkinson’s disease (PD), with a focus on motor symptoms. Epidemiology, causes of PD, and how a PD diagnosis is made will also be discussed. Part one of the “New Diagnosis Workshop Series.”
Speaker: Jonathan Squires, MD, movement disorders specialist, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel
Tuesday, February 4, 4pm
Cognition and Parkinson’s Disease
No description available. Part of the quarterly “Conversations with a Doc” webinar series.
Speaker: Liana Rosenthal, MD, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD
Host: Maryland Association for Parkinson’s Support (MAPS)
The webinar recording may be posted to the MAPS YouTube channel
Tuesday, February 4, 5pm
How To Control Daily Parkinson’s Disease Symptom Fluctuations (OFF and Dyskinesia)
Description: The speakers will discuss the timing, dosing, and the various forms of levodopa as well as myths regarding the use of levodopa. They will also discuss how to recognize OFF episodes and the motor and non-motor symptoms that may worsen during OFF time. They will define dyskinesia and discuss how to differentiate that from tremor, and discuss treatment options for OFF and dyskinesia. Part two of the five-part “Advances In Parkinson’s Disease” webinar series.
Rajesh Pahwa, MD, University of Kansas Medical Center
Stuart Isaacson, MD, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, Boca Raton, FL
Daniel Kremens, MD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Host: University of Kansas Medical Center
We have no information about recording this event.
Wednesday, February 5, 10am
Parkinson’s 101
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speaker will provide an introduction and basic overview of Parkinson’s disease (PD) including its causes, common symptoms, available treatments and effective strategies for managing them, as well as practical tips to navigate the challenges of PD. Part of the “Wellness Wednesday” webinar series.
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
The webinar recording may be posted to the “Wellness Wednesday” playlist of the PF YouTube channel
Wednesday, February 5, 2:30pm
Navigating in the Fog: Making Life Easier for Care Partners
Audience: PD caregivers
Description: The speaker knows firsthand what it’s like to love and care for someone with PD. She’ll share practical tips to help care partners navigate the Parkinson’s journey.
Speaker: Lianna Marie, family caregiver and author
Host: Stanford APDA Information & Referral Center
At the meeting time, use this link to join
Webinar ID: 923 2089 3036
Passcode: 071420
Or join by telephone: 650-724-9799 or 833-302-1536
Webinar ID: 923 2089 3036
Passcode: 071420
The webinar recording will be posted to the Stanford APDA YouTube channel
Wednesday, February 5, 7pm
Connecting Hearts: Dating and Relationships [with Parkinson’s]
Description: The speaker will share strategies for disclosing your diagnosis, connecting with others who understand your experience, and fostering meaningful social or romantic relationships, helping you expand your social circle with confidence and support. Couples are encouraged to attend together. Only one registration is required per couple.
Speaker: Brienne Leclaire, BSW, RSW, social worker, Parkinson Association Alberta
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
We have no information about recording this event.
Saturday, February 8, 6:30am
Learn More. Live Better. Parkinson’s Symposium
Description: Speakers will provide information to help you find the balance between a proactive approach and wondering what lies ahead.
Multiple speakers
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
We have no information about recording this event
Sunday, February 9, 10am
Cognitive Changes and Parkinson’s Disease
Audience: Women with PD and their Carepartners
No description available
Speaker: Andrew J. Petkus, PhD, University of Southern California
Host: Twitchy Woman
The webinar recording will be posted to the Events page of the Twitchy Woman website
Monday, February 10, 10am
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Mucuna… But Were Afraid to Ask Your Neurologist
Description: The speaker, an expert in mucuna, will discuss the use of mucuna to control Parkinson’s symptoms. This event coincides with the launch of the speaker’s new book, which shares a title with this webinar.
Speaker: Rafael Gonzalez Maldonado, MD, neurologist, University of Granada
Host: No Silver Bullet 4 PD, United Kingdom
A webinar recording may be posted to the No Silver Bullet 4 PD YouTube channel
Tuesday, February 11, 4pm
Psychosocial Barriers and Facilitators Associated with Quality of Life for People with YOPD
Audience: Young Onset
Description: The speaker will share some of the psychosocial effects of PD, including changes in how a patient thinks, their feelings, moods, ways of coping, and relationships with family and friends. He will discuss what specific challenges make YOPD different from late onset PD, the impact of demoralization, and factors that contribute to greater quality of life.
Speaker: Bradley McDaniels, PhD, psychologist, University of North Texas
Host: Young Onset Parkinson’s Network (YOPN),
The webinar recording will be posted to the YOPN website
Tuesday, February 11, 5pm
Use of Infusion Therapies and Surgical Options to Reduce OFF and Dyskinesia
Description: The speakers will continue to discuss OFF and dyskinesia by reviewing subcutaneous levodopa infusion, carbidopa/levodopa enteral suspension, deep brain stimulation (DBS) and focused ultrasound (FUS) as treatment options for PD. The lecture will include when these therapies should be considered, who is a good candidate, a review of outcomes, possible side effects, and how these therapies fit in with other PD treatments. Part three of the five-part “Advances In Parkinson’s Disease” webinar series.
Rajesh Pahwa, MD, University of Kansas Medical Center
Stuart Isaacson, MD, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, Boca Raton, FL
Daniel Kremens, MD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Host: University of Kansas Medical Center
We have no information about recording this event.
Tuesday, February 11, 7-9pm
Intimacy and Parkinson’s
Description: The speakers will explore how non-motor symptoms, medication effects, and relationship dynamics impact the sexual well-being of people with Parkinson’s and their partners and provide strategies to address the emotional distance that can develop.
Elaine Book, SW, Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre
Tricia Wallace, Parkinson Society BC
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
This webinar will not be recorded.
Wednesday, February 12, 10am
How Social Workers, Dieticians, and Occupational Therapists Can Enhance Your Daily Life [with PD]
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speakers will highlight the vital roles of a social worker, occupational therapist, and dietitian in providing care and support to enhance the well-being of those with Parkinson’s. Part two of the “New Diagnosis Workshop Series.”
Elaine Book, SW, BC Brain Wellness Program, Vancouver, BC
Rosa Jafari, OT, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Yolanda Wang, RD, BC Brain Wellness Program, Vancouver, BC
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel
Wednesday, February 12, 10am
Staying Connected: Nurturing Closeness Beyond Parkinson’s
Description: Explore ways to deepen and maintain emotional bonds, despite the challenges of PD, through compassionate communication strategies, shared activities, and tools to foster understanding. Part of the “Wellness Wednesday” webinar series.
Speaker: Bradley McDaniels, PhD, University of North Texas
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
The webinar recording may be posted to the “Wellness Wednesday” playlist of the PF YouTube channel
Wednesday, February 12, 10am
Understanding Deep Brain Stimulation and MRI Guided Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
Description: Learn about DBS as a treatment option for Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor and dystonia and HIFU as a treatment for essential tremor.
Speaker: Katherine Baich-Colon, RN, BSN, Hartford neurosurgery nurse navigator
Host: Hartford Healthcare, Bridgeport, CT
This webinar is offered monthly and is not recorded.
Wednesday, February 12, 1pm
The ABCs of Rxs: Let’s Talk About Medications
Description: The speaker will talk about the basics of medications and Parkinson’s.
Speaker: Shannon Anderson, PA, neurology physician’s assistant, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR
Host: Brian Grant Foundation (BGF), Portland, OR
The webinar recording will be posted to the BGF YouTube channel
Wednesday, February 12, 3-5pm
PD101 – Overview of Parkinson’s
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speaker will provide an overview of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) that includes commonly used terminology, stages, signs, symptoms, and possible causes of PD. Part one of a three-part series.
Speaker: Luisa Solis-Cohen, MD, movement disorders specialist, Advent Health, Littleton, CO
Host: Parkinson Association of the Rockies (PAR), Denver, CO
We have no information about recording this event.
Tuesday, February 18, 2pm
Overcoming Hurdles to Exercise
Description: The speaker will discuss ways to overcome some of the common hurdles to exercise possibly encountered while living with PD.
Speaker: Mike Braitsch, PT, physical therapist
Host: Davis Phinney Foundation (DPF)
The webinar recording may be posted to the DPF YouTube channel
Tuesday, February 18, 5pm
Managing Neuropsychiatric and Other Non-Motor Symptoms
Description: The speakers will review the non-motor symptoms that can occur even before a PD diagnosis, as well as the various symptoms that may occur throughout the disease course. They will also review treatment options for non-motor symptoms, particularly drooling, orthostatic hypotension, hallucinations, delusions, memory impairment, depression, and anxiety. Part four of the five-part “Advances In Parkinson’s Disease” webinar series.
Rajesh Pahwa, MD, University of Kansas Medical Center
Stuart Isaacson, MD, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, Boca Raton, FL
Daniel Kremens, MD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Host: University of Kansas Medical Center
We have no information about recording this event.
Wednesday-Thursday, February 19-20, 9am-1pm
APDA Virtual Parkinson’s Conference
Description: Highlights include new PD treatments on the horizon, emergency preparedness and Parkinson’s, the power of connection and care, voices of Parkinson’s, pain management in PD, how to avoid falling, how palliative care can help people with PD, and fun, interactive activities including drumming, journaling, improv, and fitness.
Multiple speakers
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
The webinar recording will be posted to the APDA YouTube channel
Wednesday, February 19, 10am
Impulse Control Disorders: Understanding and Managing the Challenges [in PD]
Description: The speaker will explore what causes impulse control disorders (ICDs), how to manage them, and practical tools to support those impacted. Part of the “Wellness Wednesday” webinar series.
Speaker: Mark Stacy, MD, Medical University Of South Carolina
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
The webinar recording may be posted to the “Wellness Wednesday” playlist of the PF YouTube channel
Wednesday, February 19, 10am
Medications, Alternative and Advanced PD Therapies
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speaker will provide an overview of treatment options for individuals living with Parkinson’s, addressing when treatment or medications should begin, whether there is a benefit to delaying the start of medications, and when to start advanced treatments, as well as viable alternative forms of therapy such as cannabis. Part three of the “New Diagnosis Workshop Series.”
Speaker: Melissa Mackenzie, MD, movement disorder specialist, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel
Wednesday, February 19, 10am
Medications, Alternative and Advanced PD Therapies
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speaker will provide an overview of treatment options for individuals living with Parkinson’s, addressing when treatment or medications should begin, whether there is a benefit to delaying the start of medications, and when to start advanced treatments, as well as viable alternative forms of therapy such as cannabis. Part three of the “New Diagnosis Workshop Series.”
Speaker: Melissa Mackenzie, MD, movement disorder specialist, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel
Saturday, February 19, 11am
Together We Thrive: The Power of Community
Description: Hear members of the Parkinson’s community share their experiences and learn how an artist with PD is using art, mime, and a viral TikTok challenge to bring meaning and build community. Empower yourself to expand your circle of support!
Speaker: Barbara Salsberg Mathews, person with PD, artist, and children’s book author
Host: Parkinson Canada
The webinar recording will be posted to the Parkinson Canada YouTube channel
Thursday, February 20, 9am
How Government Policies Impact Parkinson’s Research: Wins and Next Steps
Description: An expert panel will discuss how Parkinson’s policies make a real difference in the lives of people living with the disease or at risk for developing PD. Part of the “Third Thursday” webinar series.
Multiple speakers
Host: Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF)
The conference recording will be posted to the MJFF YouTube channel
Thursday, February 20, 9am
WPC Partner Highlight – PADRECCs (Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education & Clinical Centers)
Audience: Veterans with PD and their caregivers
Description: Learn about the National VA PD network, specialized care provided, benefits available through the VA, and the relationship between PD and toxin exposure for US veterans.
Multiple speakers
Host: World Parkinson Coalition (WPC)
The conference recording will be posted to the WPC YouTube channel
Jueves, 20 de febrero, 2pm
Parkinson y Parkinsonismos atípicos: Semejanzas y diferencias
No hay descripción disponible. Parte de la serie de seminarios web Saber es Vivir.
Presentadora: Evan Gray, DO, Integrated Neurology Services, Alexandria, VA
Anfitriona: PMD Alliance
La grabación del seminario web se publicará en el canal de YouTube de PMD Alliance en la lista de reproducción Saber es Vivir
Saturday, February 22, 7am
Q&A with a Movement Disorders Specialist
Description: The speaker will answer questions submitted during event registration and via the online chat during the meeting.
Speaker: Randolph Stephenson, MD, movement disorders specialist, Neurology Center of Fairfax
Host: Parkinson Social Network (PSN), Fairfax, VA
The webinar recording will be posted to the PSN YouTube channel
Tuesday, February 25, 10am
Living Well with Parkinson’s
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speakers will explore practical tips and strategies designed to help slow the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms, and stay motivated, active, and in control of your health. Part four of the “New Diagnosis Workshop Series.”
Joanna Davis, NP
Michelle McCarthy, PT
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel
Tuesday, February 25, 5pm
Living Your Best With Parkinson’s Disease & Treatments on the Horizon
Description: The speakers will discuss the importance of seeing a PD specialist, having a multidisciplinary care team, getting the most from a clinic visit, questions to ask, information to provide to the doctor, and resources available for those with PD, caregivers, and loved ones. The speakers will discuss treatments currently under investigation for PD including those designed to delay or potentially reverse disease progression, as well as investigational symptomatic treatments. This is the final lecture in the “Advances in Parkinson’s Disease” webinar series.
Rajesh Pahwa, MD, University of Kansas Medical Center
Stuart Isaacson, MD, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, Boca Raton Boca Raton, FL
Daniel Kremens, MD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Host: University of Kansas Medical Center
We have no information about recording this event.
Wednesday, February 26, 11am
“Slow Emotion” (virtual screening)
Description: Martha Johnson and bandmate Fabio Dwyer have been living with Parkinson’s for years. This documentary captures the songwriting and recording process, culminating in a performance featuring a choir of voices from individuals with Parkinson’s. Their message, “Empathy, not sympathy,” challenges perceptions and inspires connection through art. There will be a discussion with the band and filmmaker Jason Cipparrone.
Multiple speakers
Host: Parkinson Canada
We have no information about recording this event.
Miércoles, 26 de febrero, 10am
Fortaleciendo las conexiones al vivir con Parkinson
Descripción: El ponente ofrecerá estrategias sencillas y prácticas para ayudarle a mantener la cercanía emocional y fortalecer sus vínculos. Descubra cómo la comunicación, las actividades compartidas y la comprensión pueden marcar la diferencia, incluso en tiempos difíciles. Parte de la serie de seminarios web del Miércoles de Bienestar.
Presentadora: Carla Abdelnour, MD, Stanford Medicine
Anfitriona: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
La grabación del seminario web se publicará en la lista de reproducción del Miércoles de Bienestar en el canal de YouTube de PF
Thursday, February 27, 11am
Practical Tips to Maintain Independence and Make Life Easier
Description: The speaker will review key points from the previous three presentations and address follow-up questions. This is the final of the four-part “Moving Forward” webinar series.
Speaker: Mary Grace Lagasca, OT, occupational therapist
Host: Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PCLA YouTube channel
Thursday, February 27, 11:30am-1pm
Veterans and Parkinson’s: Mental Wellness
Audience: Veterans
Description: The speaker will address the real impact of loneliness and isolation, offer strategies for managing post-traumatic stress disorder, provide guidance on overcoming fears associated with symptoms, and share resources and support options designed to relieve isolation and nurture meaningful connections.
Speaker: Ellen Bradley, MD, San Francisco VA Health Care System
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PF YouTube channel
Thursday, February 27, 12pm
Proactive Brain Health: Evaluating Environmental and Chemical Exposure
Description: Learn about the recent banning of trichloroethylene (TCE), an extremely toxic chemical with a known link to movement disorders. The speaker will discuss the role pesticides, dry cleaning chemicals, and air pollution have on our health, as well as what we can do to lower our risk of exposure.
Speaker: Ray Dorsey, MD, University of Rochester.
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel