Many Northern and Central California Parkinson’s Disease (PD) support groups meetings have speakers or discussion programs planned in June 2019. See the list below of what is happening near you…
There is a new group happening in Palo Alto. The Menlo Park group has moved back to Avenidas senior center in Palo Alto, with a slightly changed start time.
Do you need to know the support group meeting location, day/time, contact info, and how to RSVP if required? Please refer to the Stanford Parkinson’s website for all Northern and Central California support groups.
What does it mean if a support group you sometimes attend isn’t listed below? Generally, it means that there is no speaker at the meeting. So, it’s an open discussion format. It might mean that the guest speaker info didn’t arrive from the group in time to be added here. Or, it could mean that I messed up. If you are not a regular attendee of a group, it’s always a good idea to call the group leader to confirm the meeting! (See this list for the group leader’s contact info.)
Take care,
Robin Riddle
Santa Rosa (Sonoma County)
Saturday, 6/1, 1-3:15pm (guest speaker 1-2pm)
Guest Speaker: Chad Christine, MD, neurologist, UCSF Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Clinic
Topic: Strategies to slow PD progression
RSVP?: No.
Monday, 6/3, 10am-noon
Program: Two discussion groups — people with PD and carepartners
Discussion Topics: What do you want your partner to know? What’s a positive aspect of your journey?
RSVP?: No.
San Andreas (Calaveras County)
Tuesday, 6/4, 10am-noon (guest speaker starts about 10:30am)
Guest Speaker: Kyle Rootsaert, PharmD
Topic: Medications
Note: Bring your list of medications with dosages
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 6/4, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Nancy Wilson, Senior Day Care, Placerville
Topics: Services and caregiver support group
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 6/4, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Jason Bandy, PharmD, University of the Pacific
Topic: Answers to PD-related questions
RSVP?: No.
Wednesday, 6/5, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Salvador Avila, sales specialist, Acadia Pharmaceuticals
Topic: Common non-motor symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions
RSVP?: No.
Soquel (Santa Cruz County)
Wednesday, 6/5, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Casey Halpern, MD, neurosurgeon, Stanford
Topic: What to do for PD when the medications stop working
RSVP?: No.
San Jose/Willow Glen
Friday, 6/7, 10am-noon (program begins about 10:15am)
Program: Mixed discussion groups — people with PD and caregivers in the same group. Note that couples will be split up.
RSVP?: No.
Clovis (Greater Fresno)
Saturday, 6/8, 10am-noon
Speaker: David Maloney, PharmD, Beta Take Care Enterprises
Topic: Eliminating the threat of chronic heavy metal poisoning
RSVP?: No.
Saturday, 6/8, 10am-noon
Speaker: Bruce Silverman, music therapist and counselor
Topic: Rhythm as a healing modality
Monday, 6/10, 1:30-2:40pm
Speaker: Fahd Khan, MD, neurosurgeon, Good Samaritan San Jose
Topic: New developments in DBS for Parkinson’s
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 6/11, 11:30am
Speaker: Don Dixon, Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS)
Topics: Assistive technology, minor home modification, and other services
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 6/11, 2-4pm
Guest Speaker: Steven Jelmini, DPT, Glinn & Giordano Physical Therapy, Bakersfield
Topics: LSVT BIG and LOUD therapies
RSVP?: No.
Pacific Grove (Monterey County)
Tuesday, 6/11, 3-4:30pm
Guest Speaker: Karen Mankins, RN
Topic: Medical use of cannabis
RSVP?: No.
Palo Alto Young Onset PD/Stanford
Tuesday, 6/11, 6:30-8pm
Discussion Topic: Traveling with PD
RSVP?: Yes, if you are a first-time attendee. RSVP to group leader John Mamin at least 24 hours before the meeting.
Palo Alto/Avenidas
Wednesday, 6/12, 2:30-4pm
Guest Speakers: Jenny Rhodes, RN, outreach nurse, and Libby Hagman, RN, Mission Hospice
Topics: Transitions program; overview of palliative care; overview of hospice care; in-patient hospice homes; home care services
Note: New location and new start time (as of March 2019)
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 6/13, 1:30-3pm
Discussion topic for people with PD: finding fun and joy in hobbies, travel, etc.
Discussion topic for caregivers: visits to assisted living facilities and residences
RSVP?: No.
Friday, 6/14, 1:30-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Philip Geiger, director of outreach, Hospice Giving Foundation, Monterey
Topic: Advance health care directive and POLST
RSVP?: No.
Friday, 6/14, 3-4pm
Guest Speaker: Mary Stewart, Health Sport by the Bay
Topic: Fall prevention
RSVP?: No.
Walnut Creek (Mt. Diablo)
Saturday, 6/15, 10am-noon (speaker begins at 10:45am)
Guest Speaker: Caroline Racine Beloura, PhD, neuropsychologist, UCSF
Topic: Cognitive assessment for DBS
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 6/18, 10-11am
Topic: Deep brain stimulation
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 6/18, 10-11:30am
Guest Speaker: Rylee Thompson, Boston Scientific
Topic: Deep brain stimulation
RSVP?: No.
Wednesday, 6/19, 10am-noon
Guest Speaker: Leandra Baker, community outreach, Hinds Hospice
Topic: Myths of hospice
RSVP?: No.
Wednesday, 6/19, 1:30-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Love Miller, California Telephone Access Program (CTAP)
Topic: CTAP program
RSVP?: No.
Sacramento Post-Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)/UC Davis
Wednesday, 6/19, 2:30-4:30pm
Guest Speakers: Carrie Gripp, executive director, Rebuilding Together Sacramento, and Kris Ritualo, AARP
Topic: Making home improvements to increase safety and independence
RSVP?: Yes, required. Meriah Horton, UC Davis, 916-734-6841
Sacramento/Arden Arcade
Thursday, 6/20, 10am-noon
Guest Speaker: Matthew Chow, MD, sleep neurologist, UC Davis
Topic: Sleep issues in PD
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 6/20, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Lin Zhang, MD, PhD, movement disorder specialist, UC Davis, speaking on behalf of Adamas Pharmaceuticals
Topic: Movement problems in PD
RSVP?: No.
Marin Young Onset Parkinson’s (YOPD)
Sunday, 6/23, 3-5pm (guest speaker 4-5pm)
Guest Speaker: Emmanuel During, MD, Stanford
Topic: Overview of sleep disorders with PD (including RBD) and their management
RSVP?: No.
Mill Valley (Marin County)
Friday, 6/28, 1-3pm (guest speaker 1-2pm)
Guest Speaker: Janet Lott, Alexander Technique instructor, San Rafael
Topic: Tango for Parkinson’s using the Alexander Technique