Many Northern and Central California Parkinson’s support groups have guest speakers or programs planned for April 2015. Since April is Parkinson’s awareness month, two groups have conferences planned (Merced and Redding) and there are several events at Stanford. Here’s what’s happening at a support group or venue near you.
Do you need to know the meeting location, day/time, contact info, and how to RSVP if required? Please refer to the Stanford Parkinson’s website for all Northern and Central California support groups.
Soquel (Santa Cruz County)
Wednesday, 4/1, 1-2:30pm
Guest Speakers: Eileen Wagley, Metro ParaCruz plus Jan Bradi and Debbie Brooks, Santa Cruz Volunteer Center
Topic: Complementary modes of transportation in Santa Cruz County
RSVP?: No.
Wednesday, 4/1, 1:30-3pm
Program: Easy chair exercises led by Shar
RSVP?: No.
San Jose/Willow Glen
Friday, 4/3, 10-11:45am (program starts about 10:20am)
Program: Break into two discussion groups – PWP and caregivers
RSVP?: No.
Friday, 4/3, 10:30am-noon
Guest Speaker: Chrystallynn Pigee, Abbvie PD patient advocate
Topic: Advocacy program
RSVP?: No.
Santa Rosa (Sonoma County)
Saturday, 4/4, 1-3:15pm (guest speaker from 1-2pm)
Guest Speaker: Paul Larson, MD, neurosurgeon, UCSF and SF VA
Topic: Surgical Treatment for PD
RSVP?: No.
Monday, 4/6, 10-11am
Guest Speaker: Laura O’Boyle, Lodi support group member
Topic: How sound therapy is being used to aid healing of patients challenged with PD and other conditions
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 4/7, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Puja Khana, pharmacist, Remedy RX, Roseville
Topic: PD Medications
RSVP?: No.
San Francisco/Kaiser
Tuesday, 4/7, 4:30-6pm
Guest Speaker: Rima Ash, MD, movement disorder specialist, Kaiser SF
Topics: Current Medications and Treatment
RSVP?: No.
Palo Alto
Wednesday, 4/8, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Karen Nolan, RN, admissions manager, Hospice of the Valley
Topics: Hospice and Parkinson’s
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 4/9, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Matthew Arnold, MD, movement disorder specialist, Sutter East Bay
Topics: Hospitalizations and Advance Care Planning for People with PD
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 4/9, 1:30-3pm
Program: Facilitated discussion on the topic of socialization as it pertains to general health and to people living with PD and those who support them
RSVP?: No.
Thursday, 4/9, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Mi Seitelman, personal trainer, Stockton
Topics: PD exercise to improve strength and agility
RSVP?: No.
Friday, 4/10, 3-4pm
Guest Speaker: Michelle Garcia, CTAP representative
Topic: California Telephone Access Program
RSVP?: No.
Saturday, 4/11, 10am-noon
Guest Speaker #1: Adrian Morales, Fresno United Way representative
Topic #1: Two-One-One Program – social services to the community
Guest Speaker #2: Bruce Medlin, co-chair of Fresno PD support group
Topic #2: Different options for emergency alert devices and services
RSVP?: No.
El Dorado Hills
Tuesday, 4/14, noon-2pm
Guest Speaker: Homa Rostami, senior care consultant, Life Options for Seniors
Topic: When home is no longer an option – successful placement
RSVP?: No.
Pacific Grove (Monterey County)
Tuesday, 4/14, 3-4:30pm
Guest Speaker: Helen Garvy
Topic: PD and Cannabis
RSVP?: No.
Palo Alto Young Onset PD (YOPD)
Tuesday, 4/14, 6:30-8pm
Guest Speaker: Beth Corwin, memory specialist
Topic: Ways to keep your brain and memory healthy – part 1
RSVP?: Yes, if this is your first time attending. Contact group leader Martha Gardner several days before the meeting.
Wednesday, 4/15, 1:30-3:30pm (note new meeting time as of April 2015)
Guest Speaker: Valley Hospice representative
Topic: Advance Directive
RSVP?: No.
Sacramento Post-DBS (April meeting is at Sutter)
Wednesday, 4/15, 2:30-4:30pm
Guest Speaker: Linda Ramatowski, nurse practitioner, Sutter Neuroscience, Sacramento
Topic: DBS Technology
RSVP?: Yes, required. Contact group leader Linda Ramatowski, NP, Sutter Neuroscience.
Merced – Parkinson’s Symposium
Thursday, 4/16, 10am-noon, Mercy Medical Pavilion (3/F)
Guest Speaker #1: Dr. Halpern, neurosurgeon, Stanford
Topic #1: Surgical treatment of movement disorders and
neuro-stimulation procedures
Guest Speaker #2: Dr. Bhatia, neurologist, Neuro-Pain Medical Center, Fresno
Topic #2: Living well with Parkinson’s Disease
No charge.
RSVP? Yes, required as seating is limited and lunch will be provided.
Contact Amie Marchini Senior Care, 209-384-3300.
More Info
Thursday, 4/16, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Susan Curry, licensed marriage and family therapist
Topics: Depression and Anxiety in PD
RSVP?: No.
Stanford event related to “Capturing Grace” and Dance for PD
Friday, 4/17, 1-2:15pm, presentation on the intersection of dance and PD
Pigott Theater, Memorial Auditorium, Stanford University
RSVP?: No.
More Info
Stanford event related to “Capturing Grace” and Dance for PD
Friday, 4/17, 7-8:30pm, “Capturing Grace” screening and panel discussion
Cubberley Auditorium, Stanford University
RSVP?: Yes. Tickets are $11.49.
More Info
Walnut Creek
Saturday, 4/18, 9am-noon (guest speaker from 11am-noon)
Guest Speaker: Kevin McCormack, senior director public communications, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Topic: Update on Brain Stem Cell Research
RSVP?: No.
Stanford event related to “Capturing Grace” and Dance for PD
Saturday, 4/18, 1:30-3pm, “Capturing Grace” screening and panel discussion
Cemex Auditorium, Stanford University
RSVP?: Yes. Tickets are $11.49.
More Info
Tuesday, 4/21, 10-11am
Guest Speaker: Lisa Young, Sutter Physical Therapy, Lincoln Hills
Topic: Tips for PD Patients
RSVP?: No.
Tuesday, 4/21, 1:30-3pm
Guest Speaker: Brian Terres, Medtronic DBS representative
Topic: New Treatment Options for PD
RSVP?: No.
San Jose/The Villages
Tuesday, 4/21, 2-3:30pm
Guest Speaker: Amanda Forster, DPT, NCS, physical therapist, Kaiser San
Topic: Maintaining mobility and strength as we mature
RSVP?: Yes, required if you are not a resident of The Villages. You must contact group leader Alice Pratte in advance as your name must be put on a list of those authorized to enter this gated community.
Anderson – Parkinson’s Conference
Sunday, 4/26, 2-5pm, Gaia Hotel (check-in 1:30pm)
Guest Speaker #1: Morgan Sparber, DPT, physical therapist, Rose Center
Topic #1: Fall Prevention and Recovery
Guest Speaker #2: Susan Whitaker, SLP, speech therapist
Topic #2: Tips for Swallowing
Guest Speaker #3: Emily DeFillipo, DPT, physical therapist, Vibra Hospital
Topic #3: BIG physical therapy
Guest Speaker #4: Shelley VonBerg, PhD, speech professor, UC Chico
Topic #4: “LOUD Crowd” speech therapy
No charge. CEUs available for some credentials.
Offered by Redding PD Support Group and Passages Caregiver Resource Center
RSVP? Yes, required as seating is limited. Contact Passages,
530-221-1900, or register online.
More Info/Online Registration
Mill Valley (Marin County)
Tuesday, 4/28, 1-3pm (guest speaker from 1-2pm)
Guest Speaker: Marin Center for Independent Living representative
Topic: Finding resources to help people live independently as long as possible
RSVP?: No.