Many Northern and Central California Parkinson’s support groups have guest speakers or programs planned for May 2014. Here’s what’s happening at a support group near you…. Full Story>
April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month!
You have about a week left to raise awareness of PD by speaking with your family, friends, and neighbors about it. Contact a local newspaper, radio station, or TV station about how you are coping with Parkinson’s Disease. Start a blog about positive and negative aspects of Parkinson’s — if you are living with it or caring for someone with PD.
PD, PSP, CBD, MSA Research Studies Recruiting NOW in Northern and Central California
It has been awhile since the Stanford APDA Parkinson’s Information & Referral Center published a list of all of the PD, MSA, PSP, or CBD research studies currently recruiting at non-profit institutions in Northern California. Since April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, we decided to compile the list below to encourage everyone in the wider community to participate in at least one of these studies!
April 2014, Guest Speakers/Programs at Parkinson’s Support Group Meetings in Northern and Central California
Many Northern and Central California Parkinson’s support groups have guest speakers or programs planned for April 2014. Here’s what’s happening at a support group near you…. Full Story>
Exercise as Medicine – Apr 25, 1-3pm, RWC
Becky Farley, PhD, neurorehab specialist and physiologist discusses the benefits of exercise and Parkinson Disease. Dr. Farley is the founder of Arizona-based Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR!). She developed the LSVT BIG program, a physical therapy program designed for those with PD. Her talk will address the basic science as she advocates for exercise as a first line of defense in PD.
Stanford APDA, in cooperation with Kaiser Permanente (Dr. Ramon Quesdada and PT John Berdoulay) and other community organizations, is hosting Dr. Farley for four days of intensive instruction for PTs, OTs, and fitness instructors. Our goal is to have more physical therapists, occupational therapists, and fitness professionals trained on exercise for the PD community…. Full Story>