The triennial World Parkinson Congresses provide an international forum for dialogue on the latest scientific discoveries, medical practices, and caregiver initiatives related to Parkinson’s disease. Each Congress brings together physicians, neuroscientists, a broad range of other health professionals, care partners, and people with PD (PwPs) for a unique and inspiring experience. Congress registration, as well housing information, is now open and available. “Early bird” registration pricing ends on February 27.
Unlike most research-focused conferences, the World Parkinson Congress (WPC) welcomes those living with PD, as well as family and friends who provide care for them, to attend and actively participate in the event. You can find an overview of the Congress here, along with descriptions of the pre-Congress programs, types of sessions, and detailed descriptions of each program session.
The Congress is also a great place to experience the worldwide Parkinson’s community. In previous Congresses there have been attendees from every continent and almost every country. Beyond the research and clinical and treatment options presented, the Congress also features a Book Nook (recently published books about Parkinson’s-the authors are often available for further discussion), Art Walk (art created in various media by those living with PD), and a PD Choir that performs throughout the event. In addition, you can find a link to the abstracts and posters being presented (which will be updated as the date of the Congress approaches. There is also a video competition for each Congress. You can view submissions from previous Congresses here.
Registration is now open for all interested in attending. Learn more about the various registration categories and fees and follow the link to register for the Congress. Please note that “early bird” pricing expires February 27, 2019. On the WPC website you can find Information on the various housing options (including a map of hotel locations) and making your travel plans.