You can participate in a web-based seminar — or webinar — from the privacy of your home. Join either live or view the archived version within a few days of the live webinar (in most cases). All webinars listed are free. All times listed are Pacific Time. Here are webinars that may be of interest to those living with Parkinson’s in May 2019…
Thursday, May 16, 9:00-10:00am
“Looking Deep into Cells for the Answers to Parkinson’s”
Program: Our panelists will discuss efforts to better understand what goes wrong in Parkinson’s on the deepest level — in the genes and proteins that are the instructions and ingredients for life. Researchers will discuss how defining these differences can point to better ways to measure and treat Parkinson’s disease.
Presenters: to be advised at time of webinar
Presented by:The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Wednesday, May 22, 11:00am-12:00pm
“Your DBS Questions Answered – a Conversation with Dr. Helen Bronte-Stewart and Dr. Soania Mathur”
Program: Nearly 35% of people with Parkinson’s experience OFF periods (and this percentage increases with age), and OFF periods can negatively impact quality of life in substantial ways. Deep Brain Stimulation has the ability to change that. In this webinar, Dr. Brontë-Stewart and moderator, Dr. Soania Mathur will address: The goal of DBS, what happens when the neurosurgeon leaves the room (what to expect and how to prepare), dual therapy and how to blend DBS and medication, the pros and cons of fixed vs rechargeable batteries, symptom relief (how symptoms respond to DBS, how quickly and how well they respond over the long term), unexpected and surprising symptoms that DBS helps, programming (how it works, potential challenges and what to expect), developments and innovation in DBS, and much more.
Presenters: Helen Bronte-Stewart, MD, MS. Director, Stanford Movement Disorders Center and Director, Stanford Human Motor Control and Balance Laboratory, and Soania Mathur, MD, retired family practice physician, PwP, PD advocate.
Please feel free to forward questions in advance of the event to Mel Dizon, Director of Education at the Foundation, <mailto>mdizon@dpf.org</mailto>
Presented by: Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s
Register (registration to open soon)
Wednesday, May 22, 11:00am-12:00pm
“BIG for LIFE and LOUD for LIFE: Group Maintenance Classes Post LSVT Treatments”
Program: Maintaining improvements after LSVT LOUD or LSVT BIG takes continued practice. LSVT Global has developed community-based maintenance exercises classes. These classes are called BIG for LIFE and LOUD for LIFE. They are designed to help you keep up with your voice and body exercises post LSVT BIG or LSVT LOUD. Join us to learn about the structure of these classes. Learn how they provide exercise in a group setting with fellow LSVT graduates. BIG for LIFE and LOUD for LIFE motivate you to keep exercising in a fun, challenging and social environment.
Presenters: LSVT LOUD and LSVT BIG clinicians
Presented by: LSVT Global
Tuesday, 28 May, 9:00-10:00am
“Non-Motor Fluctuations of Parkinson’s”
Program: A non-motor fluctuation in Parkinson’s disease refers to the non-movement related symptoms that may fluctuate depending on medication timing. When medication wears off it may result in return of tremor, slowness in movement, and difficulty walking and moving. These are called motor fluctuations. What many people are not aware of is that similar to motor fluctuations, non- motor symptoms of Parkinson’s may also return when medication wears off. This webinar will discuss what non-motor fluctuations are and how to identify them. We will discuss the prevalence of non-motor fluctuations and their impact on quality of life for the person living with them. Finally we will review effective treatment strategies and current research initiatives in this area.
Presenter: Galit Kleiner-Fisman, MD
Presented by: Parkinson Canada