You can participate in a web-based seminar — or webinar — from the privacy of your home. Join either live or view the archived version within a few days of the live webinar (in most cases). All webinars listed are free. All times listed are Pacific Time. Here are webinars that may be of interest to those living with Parkinson’s in November 2019…
Wednesday, November 6, 12:00-1:00pm
“Parkinson’s Nutrition and Living Well with Dr. John Eric Duda”
Program: Nutrition continues to be one of the most important aspects of treatment for people living with Parkinson’s. The challenge is sifting through all of the available information about dietary guidelines and “ideal nutritional plans” to find what works best for each person.
In this webinar on Parkinson’s nutrition and living well, Dr. Duda will address how dietary choices can affect symptom control in Parkinson’s; how particular foods and timing of meals may interfere with Parkinson’s medication; how age, progression of Parkinson’s and history can affect the efficacy of certain dietary choices; dietary management of non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s such as sleepiness and fatigue; nOH, constipation and excessive weight loss; the role of the gut microbiome in Parkinson’s and how to improve the gut by making better dietary choices; how nutrition can change the molecular mechanisms present in people with Parkinson’s and may even provide disease-modifying effects.
Presenter: John Duda, MD, co-director, PADRECC, co-director, Center for Neurotrauma, Neurodegeneration, and Restoration of the Michael J. Crescenz Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Presented by: Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s
Wednesday, November 13, 11:00am-12:00pm
“Deep Brain Stimulation and LSVT BIG: Mobility Challenges and Treatment Solutions”
Program: Join LSVT BIG faculty as they discuss unique mobility challenges faced by individuals post-Deep Brain Stimulation. The webinar will include information on changes in movement often encountered in this population, how LSVT BIG can improve movement for these individuals, and how treatment can be tailored to optimize positive outcomes.\
Presenters: LSVT BIG clinicians
Presented by: LSVT Global
Monday, November 18, 9:00-10:00am
“Parkinson’s Disease: More than Motor Symptoms”
Program: Join us for a deep dive into the non-motor symptoms of hallucinations and delusions and treatment options.
Presenter, Jill Farmer, DO, MPH, director, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder Program, Drexel Neurosciences Institute
Presented by: Parkinson and Movement Disorder Alliance
Tuesday, November 19, 11:30-12:30pm
“Ask the Expert Webinar: Hospitalization and Parkinson’s”
Program: People with Parkinson’s have unique needs and considerations while in the hospital, and it is not uncommon for healthcare professionals to be unfamiliar with these needs. It is important for people with Parkinson’s to be prepared for both planned and unplanned hospital visits, and to know how to self-advocate for their care.
Presenter: Debra Mayer, RN, CNE, member, Aware in Care advisory committee, Parkinson’s Foundation
Presented by: Parkinson Society British Columbia
Tuesday, November 19, 11:30am-12:00pm
“Gastroparesis: What you need to know”
Program: Join a UCLA gastroenterologist for an overview of gastroparesis, a disease in which the stomach cannot empty itself of food in a normal fashion. This may be a particular concern for those living with Parkinson’s. Dr. Sharma will address gastroparesis signs and symptoms, how it is diagnosed and available treatment options.
Presenter: Gobind Sharma, MD, gastroenterologist, UCLA
Presented by: UCLA Health
Wednesday, November 20, 4:30-5:30pm
“Therapy Break”
Program: Therapy Break is an interactive, online video discussion featuring a subject matter expert with knowledge relevant to living well with Parkinson’s disease. Addressing a variety of topics related to living with a movement disorder, these informal discussions provide a forum for you to learn, ask questions, interact and be part of a community, regardless of where you live.
Presenter: To be advised at time of program
Presented by: Parkinson and Movement Disorder Alliance
Register (you will watch at this location)
Thursday, November 21, 9:00-10:00am
“Medical Cannabis”
Program: It’s been one year since Cannabis has been legalized in Canada. Dr Fox will cover the ‘myths and facts’ around Cannabis use in Parkinson Disease.
Presenter: Dr. Susan Fox, BM, ChB, MRCP (UK), PhD. Associate Director of the Movement Disorders Clinic, Toronto Western Hospital
Presented by: Parkinson Canada
Thursday, November 21, 9:00-10:00am
“Upcoming: New Treatments in Testing to Slow or Stop Parkinson’s”
Program: Our panelists discuss the latest trials of therapies that may slow or stop Parkinson’s disease progression. Q&A with staff and speakers will take place throughout the hour.
Presenters: To be advised at time of webinar
Presented by: The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Monday, November 25, 8:00-9:00am
“Can We Repair the Brain in Parkinson’s Disease?”
Program: Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder of the brain that is characterized pathologically by the loss of nigral dopaminergic neurons. While motor features of the disease respond well to current dopaminergic treatments, side effects such as dyskinesia and neuropsychiatric problems are common over time. These problems could, in theory, be avoided through targeted delivery of dopamine to the dorsal striatum as is possible with neuronal replacement approaches or growth factor (GDNF) delivery. These strategies have been tried over the last 20-30 years and shown long-term clinical benefit in some patients. But efficacy is inconsistent, and these new therapies often have their own side effects.
Presenter: Roger Barker, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience, Cambridge University
Presented by: Technology Networks and Cisbio
Webinar may be archived after presentation. Register for details.
Tuesday, November 26, 11:30am-12:00pm
“Trouble swallowing? Evaluation and treatment of dysphagia”
Program: Join UCLA gastroenterologist Craig Gluckman, MD, for a discussion about dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing foods or liquids. Dr. Gluckman will address the most common causes of dysphagia-which can range from mild difficulty swallowing to complete and painful blockage-how it is diagnosed, and available treatment options.
Presenter: Craig Gluckman, MD, gastroenterologist, UCLA
Presented by: UCLA Health
Wednesday, November 27, 9:00-10:00am
“Reducing Risk of Falls in People Living with Parkinson’s – A Physiotherapist’s Perspective”
Program: This presentation will provide an overview of the various factors that contribute to falls in people who live with Parkinson’s Disease as well as strategies to help decrease the risk of falling. Considerations to help manage freezing episodes and appropriate exercise interventions will be discussed.
Presenter: Karla Andrews, registered physiotherapist
Presented by: Parkinson Society of Southwestern Ontario