“Let’s Keep Moving with APDA” is an occasional webinar series hosted by the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA). In the webinar on Thursday, May 22, 10am, the speakers will be a dance for PD instructor and an exercise physiologist. There will be time for audience questions.
In the “Let’s Keep Moving with APDA” series, you’ll hear from experts in the fields of physical therapy, dance, and fitness, specific to people with PD, about how various forms of exercise and movement can work together with physical therapy to improve your balance, gait, fitness level, and more. Get your questions answered live during the program.
Let’s Keep Moving with APDA: Physical Therapy & Exercise
Thursday, May 22, 10am
Moderator: Tami Rork DeAngelis, DPT, GCS
Speakers: Dianna Daly, Dance for PD InstructorSarah Palmer, MS, Exercise Physiologist
Register here.
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the APDA YouTube channel.