Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of caregiving-related webinars and virtual events. Most of the webinars listed are for a general audience and are free. Be sure to register in advance! Some of the events have registration deadlines.
Among the usual caregiving topics, this month I notice several talks on coping strategies for caregivers, including:
May 5: Communication and Dementia (Q&A session)
May 6: Cultivating Positivity in Caregiving
May 12: Slowed Thinking, Speech, and Movement – Finding Patience in the Moment
May 19: Understanding Identity Changes in Parkinson’s Caregiving
May 26: Resilience in Caregiving
May 27: Ambiguous Loss – Living with Uncertainty in Parkinson’s Caregiving
We encourage you to register for any of these events you are interested in. That way, if you aren’t able to attend the live event, you will be alerted when the recording is available.
About the list below, unless indicated, all webinars and virtual events are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. (Commonly the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- If there is no speaker indicated, the speaker is unknown at the time of this email.
- For a general audience.
- Not focused on a single medication. (Those are excluded.)
- Free.
- Usually posted to the host website or YouTube channel in about a week.
– Denise
Wednesday, May 5, 6am
Communication and Dementia Q&A
Free online seminar answering your questions about communication and dementia.
Speaker: Melanie Bunn, Dementia Training Specialist
Host: Dementia Alliance of North Carolina (DA-NC)
Register here.
The webinar recording will be posted to the DA-NC YouTube channel.
Wednesday, May 5, 10am
Parkinson’s Care Partner Summit: Your Role in Medications
This webinar will focus on recognizing medication reactions, how to differentiate motor and non-motor symptoms and how care partners can help their loved ones navigate different medication management options.
Speaker: Ihtsham Haq, MD
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
Register here.
The webinar recording will be posted to the PF Wellness Wednesdays webpage.
Wednesday, May 5, 4pm-6pm
California Family Caregiver Conference: Support, Resources, and Advocacy
Learn more about the California Caregiver Resource Centers, the resources available to family caregivers, and how to safely access services during COVID. Also discussed will be policies and advocacy opportunities to ensure these valuable resources are funded for Californians in the upcoming state budget.
Moderator: Martha Ranon, Executive VP, Southern Caregiver Resource Center
Host: California Caregiver Resource Centers
Register here.
The webinar recording will be posted to the California CRC Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Thursday, May 6, 10am
Cultivating Positivity in Caregiving
Research demonstrates that happiness not only lifts spirits, but it can also improve overall quality of life and well-being. Learn evidence-based tips to improve coping skills, emotional well-being, and quality of life throughout the dementia journey.
Host: Banner Health
Register here.
There is no indication this webinar will be recorded and posted to the web for later viewing. Webinar attendees should inquire about this during the webinar in the chat box, if they are interested.
Thursday, May 12, 9:30am
Planning Ahead for Caregivers
This webinar’s focus is on Alzheimer’s disease/dementia, a condition that can last for 8 – 10 years and will require additional help and care as the condition changes. Caregivers will learn about medical, legal, and financial decisions that are needed along with how to find help and pay for care in the home, community, and residential settings.
Host: Banner Health
Register here.
There is no indication this webinar will be recorded and posted to the web for later viewing. Webinar attendees should inquire about this during the webinar in the chat box, if they are interested.
Wednesday, May 12, 10am
Parkinson’s Care Partner Summit: Slowed Thinking, Slowed Speech and Slowed Movement – Finding Patience in the Moment
In Parkinson’s, all things slow down. This talk will help you understand the mechanics behind some of the slowing, tools, and techniques to assist, and what to do when you recognize that the best approach is to just be a little more patient with your loved one.
Malia Sako OTD, OTR/L
Michelle R. Haub, MS, CCC-SLP
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
Register here.
The webinar recording will be posted to the PF Wellness Wednesdays webpage.
Wednesday, May 12, 12pm
Real Talk Care Partner Series: Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson’s
The presentation, cause, and management of impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s Disease.
Speaker: Joseph Friedman, MD
Host: PMD Alliance
Register here.
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel.
Saturday, May 15, 12pm
When to Stop Driving, and How
Every Saturday at noon, geriatrician Elizabeth Landsverk, MD hosts High Noon with Dr. Liz, a live chat on different topics. This week she will address when to stop driving with some tips she’s learned from her many years working with families dealing with this difficult topic.
Speaker: Elizabeth Landsverk, MD, geriatrician
Host: Elder Consult
No registration required. Click on this link to join Facebook Live at the time of the presentation.
A recording of this event may be posted to the same Facebook page a few days following the event.
Wednesday, May 19, 10am
Parkinson’s Care Partner Town Hall – Preparing for the Journey
Whether you are new to Parkinson’s or have been on this journey for a while, it is important to both live in the “now” and plan for the future. We’ll talk to care partners whose loved ones have early, mid-stage, and advanced Parkinson’s about what they’re focused on now and what they’re doing to plan ahead and prepare for any possible crisis that could come up in the future.
Speakers: Parkinson’s care partners from around the US
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
Register here.
The webinar recording will be posted to the PF Wellness Wednesdays webpage.
Wednesday, May 19, 1pm-2:30pm
(Registration closes May 12)
Understanding Identity Changes in Parkinson’s Caregiving
One speaker will discuss the multiple roles of care partners, and how they evolve along the trajectory of Parkinson’s disease, as well as the impact these roles have on the health and well-being of care partners. This talk will also cover care tasks, decision making, identity, and meaningful experiences.
A second speaker will share his experiences as a caregiver, and offer practical advice, tools, and techniques to help you adapt to, and succeed in, your caregiving role.
Q&A Session with both speakers will follow the presentation.
Kaitlyn P. Roland, PhD
Jolyon Hallows – caregiver advocate and author
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
Registration closes Wednesday, May 12. Register here.
The webinar recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel.
Thursday, May 20, 10am
Residential Care: When Moving Becomes the Best Option
Transitioning from home to a residential care setting can be challenging for caregivers and the person with dementia. This class will discuss the importance of planning and considerations when making the transition from one level of care to another.
Host: Banner Health
Register here.
There is no indication this webinar will be recorded and posted to the web for later viewing. Webinar attendees should inquire about this during the webinar in the chat box if they are interested.
Wednesday, May 26, 10am
Parkinson’s Care Partner Summit: Sleep, Cognition, and Mood
This panel will examine how care partners can help their loved one with PD manage the interplay between three Parkinson’s non-motor challenges – sleep, cognition, and mood.
Aleksandar Videnovic, MD
Joseph F. Quinn, MD
Martha Anne Tudor, MEd, NCC, LAPC
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
Register here.
The webinar recording will be posted to the PF Wellness Wednesdays webpage.
Wednesday, May 26, 1pm-2:30pm
(Registration ends May 19)
Resilience in Caregiving
One speaker will discuss the challenges of caregiving, including the overwhelming responsibilities and competing demands. Without positive coping strategies, care partners are likely to experience stress, which can have a negative impact on emotional and physical health. Resilience is an effective coping strategy, especially used in combination with communication strategies and social support.
A second speaker will introduce participants to a new way of shifting your perspective on negative emotions, in order to embrace them as a potential tool for helping care partners. This session will cover some of the major negative emotions care partners may experience and explore what they mean. Tools and techniques on how to analyze and respond in these situations will also be covered.
Q&A Session with both speakers will follow the presentation.
Kaitlyn P. Roland, PhD
Jolyon Hallows – caregiver advocate and author
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
Registration closes Wednesday, May 19. Register here.
The webinar recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel.
Thursday, May 27, 12pm
Ambiguous Loss: Living with Uncertainty [in Parkinson’s Caregiving]
Caregiver stress and burden sometimes may be misunderstood, with the real culprit being ambiguous loss. Ambiguous loss is unclear, has no resolution and no closure. Progressive, chronic conditions like Parkinson’s and other movement disorders can create ambiguous loss whereby the person is psychologically present but physically different from who they once were. This can be confusing and overwhelming for both persons and family caregivers and cause them to feel overwhelmed and immobilized. This online program defines ambiguous loss and provides concrete strategies to infuse hope, meaning and promote self-care.
Host: Banner Health
Register here.
There is no indication this webinar will be recorded and posted to the web for later viewing. Webinar attendees should inquire about this during the webinar in the chat box if they are interested.