Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of Parkinson’s-related webinars and virtual meetings with speakers. Here’s our October 2022 list.
What’s the difference between a webinar and a virtual meeting? A “webinar” has a handful of speakers at most, and attendees have both audio and video muted. A “virtual meeting” usually allows attendees to be seen and heard.
We recommend you register NOW for anything of interest. That way, if there’s a recording, as a registrant you’ll receive an email alerting you to the recording availability. Also, note that a few webinars have registration deadlines well in advance of the webinar dates.
Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach will try to attend as many of these events as possible and share our notes. Our notes about PD webinars are often posted here to our blog. We email our notes to the “Stanford PD Info” and “PD Caregivers” email lists, depending on the relevance to those audiences.
We publish to our blog an additional caregiver-specific webinar and virtual event list, which is sent to those on our “PD Caregivers” list. That list includes some events not included here since those events are for caregivers only.
If you are a caregiver to someone with PD, we encourage you to be added to our “PD Caregivers” email list.
Unless indicated, the webinar and virtual meetings listed below are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. We suggest you join five minutes before the official start-time. (Usually, the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- For a general audience. (Again, caregiver-specific events are on our other list.)
- Not focused on a single medication or single, branded treatment. (Those are excluded.)
- Free.
After that long preamble, here’s our list of PD-related webinars and virtual meetings in October 2022…
Saturday, October 1, 10am
Fall Prevention and Home Safety
With proper awareness and strategies, most falls can be prevented. The speaker will explore some of the reasons why people fall and share ways you can stay healthier and safer as you age. Attendees will also learn the importance of creating a home escape plan, how to call 9-1-1 in an emergency, and discover important San Francisco Bay Area community resources to help you and your family stay safe. Part of the Caregivers Count! Virtual conference.
Jennifer Schachner, PhD, San Jose State University
Santa Clara County Fire Department representatives
Host: Coalition of SF Bay Area nonprofit agencies and businesses interested in supporting family caregivers. List of conference supporters
The webinar recording will be posted to the Caregivers Count! Virtual Conference Videos webpage
Monday, October 3, 8am
Student Caregivers: Is The Work Ever Done?
About 11% of caregivers are students, who face challenges with multiple demands upon them. This program will focus on the experiences of caregivers who are students, and will provide tips on how to best manage time and competing priorities. We’ll also share some unique ways in which being a student can actually help you in your caregiving role.
Elliot Montgomery Sklar, PhD, MS
Lucy Barylak, MSW, Montreal, Canada
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Monday, October 3, 12pm
Everything Parkinson’s Webinar
A discussion on Parkinson’s caregiving with a care partner panel.
No registration required. Join live: bit.ly/PD-Webinars
Webinar ID: 821 8048 1494
Join by telephone: 669-900-6833
Host: Pacific Neuroscience Institute (PNI), Santa Monica, CA
For questions or more information, contact Giselle, phone 310-582-7433, giselle.tamula@providence.org
The webinar recording will be posted to the Movement Disorders section of the PNI Health and Wellness webinars page
Wednesday, October 5, 8am
How has COVID-19 changed our view on long-term care facilities?
The speakers explore what led to the increased mortality of seniors in long-term care facilities and the lessons learned. Speakers will review long-term care facilities and other options, like aging-in-place and living with relatives. Also shared will be tips and resources that support healthy aging for all in a post-pandemic world. This is the first session of the “Aging in the 21st Century: What Caregivers Need to Know Now” series.
Elliot Montgomery Sklar, PhD, MS
Lucy Barylak, MSW, Montreal, Canada
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Thursday, October 6, 8am
Safe Use of Medications for Seniors and their Caregivers
For older adults, any form of medication, prescription or over the counter, can be a double edge sword. This webinar will share what caregivers and seniors need to know about medication safety. Participants will receive a free “Safe Use of Medications Workbook.”
Speaker: Lucy Barylak, MSW, Montreal, Canada
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
Registration webpage
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Thursday, October 6, 1:30-3pm
Chronic Stress and Ways to Cope
A psychiatrist will talk about how chronic stress can impact your mental and physical health. He will discuss coping skills and treatment options.
Speaker: Kevin Marmolejo, MD, Fresno Kaiser
Host: Valley Caregiver Resource Center, Fresno, CA
The webinar may be posted to the Valley CRC YouTube channel
Tuesday, October 11, 8am
Brain Health for Older Adults
A psychiatrist will review the evolution of our brain and how significant changes in our lives impact its function. He will highlight how genetics, diet and nutrition, medication, stress and other factors such as creating a neuroenhancing environment relate to a healthy brain.
Speaker: Nestor H. Praderio, MD
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Wednesday, October 12, 11am
Aging in Place
The speakers will explore what caregivers and seniors must consider to age-in-place, what resources are required, how to evaluate your home for the feasibility of aging-in-place, and what modifications will be needed. This is the second session of “Aging in the 21st Century: What Caregivers Need to Know Now” series.
Elliot Montgomery Sklar, PhD, MS
Lucy Barylak, MSW, Montreal, Canada
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Thursday, October 13, 8am
How to handle hygiene challenges for persons with dementia
This episode of “Dear Lucy” will discuss how to handle hygiene challenges for persons with dementia.
Speaker: Lucy Barylak, MSW, Montreal, Canada
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Wednesday, October 14, 11am
Palliative Care
This month’s Wellness Wednesday speaker will discuss how palliative care benefits Parkinson’s patients and when it should be integrated into their plan of care.
Speaker: Boris Shklyar, DO, Epic Care Health LLC, Fort Mill, SC
Host: Parkinson Association of the Carolinas (PAC)
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the PAC Wellness Wednesdays webpage.
Monday, October 17, 1-2:30pm
Caring for the Caregiver
You’ll learn self-care techniques.
Host: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton, CA
The webinar may be posted to the Inland CRC YouTube channel
Tuesday, October 18, 12pm
The Patient Journey from the Care Partner Perspective
The speaker will explore the movement disorders journey from the care partner’s perspective. He’ll talk about your loved one’s diagnosis and treatment trajectory, challenges and tips for accessing medications and treatments like deep brain stimulation (DBS), and he’ll invite you into discussion and reflection on how each stage of the journey impacts you. This is part one of a two-part series.
Speaker: Andrew Falconer, MD, Inova, Alexandria, VA
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording will be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel in the Spotlight playlist
Wednesday, October 19, 8am
Choosing a Long-term Care Facility
The speakers will discuss what caregivers and seniors need to look for in a long-term care facility, what questions to ask, and issues like ongoing staffing shortages in long term care. This is the third session of the “Aging in the 21st Century: What Caregivers Need to Know Now” series.
Elliot Montgomery Sklar, PhD, MS
Lucy Barylak, MSW, Montreal, Canada
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Wednesday, October 19, 11am
The Ins and Outs of Telemedicine for Parkinson’s Disease
Learn the pros and cons of utilizing telemedicine, the bureaucratic obstacles to telemedicine in a post-COVID world (e.g. insurance coverage), how to find a movement disorder specialist who will perform telemedicine, how to properly prepare for a telemedicine visit, and much more! Part of the “Spotlight on PD” series.
Chantale Branson, MD, Morehouse Healthcare, Atlanta, GA
Drew Falconer, MD, UVA School of Medicine, Falls Church, VA
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the APDA YouTube channel in the Spotlight on PD playlist
Wednesday, October 19, 12pm
Planning for Your Loved-one’s Needs at Each Stage of Parkinson’s Disease
The speaker will share what to expect and how to prepare, breaking down important considerations for disease management at every phase of the journey. Attendees will receive a toolkit that provides guideposts for symptoms, treatment needs, and care planning. Learn the best ways to be proactive, rather than reactive, in your loved one’s disease management.
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording will be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel in the Spotlight playlist
Wednesday, October 19, 2-3:30pm
Compassionate Communication between Adult Children and Aging Parents
Some of the hardest and most vital conversations we will ever have are with our aging parents when we discuss their wishes regarding their hopes and desires for the future. Clarifying their decisions and understanding the basis for their choices can reduce conflict and smooth decision-making about the future. This presentation will help guide you through these very difficult conversations.
Hosts: Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Citrus Heights, CA, and Eldercare Management, Sacramento, CA
The webinar may be posted to the Del Oro CRC YouTube channel
Thursday, October 20, 9am
Hospice Q&A
The speaker will answer questions about hospice to dispel myths and misunderstandings.
Speaker: Heather Veeder, MD, Vitas Healthcare
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Wednesday, October 26, 8am
Family Dynamics
The speakers will discuss how to recognize when it is necessary for a caregiver to place their loved one in a care facility, what seniors should consider before deciding to live with relatives, and what relatives should know before accepting such a move. This is the fourth session of the “Aging in the 21st Century: What Caregivers Need to Know Now” series.
Elliot Montgomery Sklar, PhD, MS
Lucy Barylak, MSW, Montreal, Canada
Host: Wellmed Caregiver Teleconnection
The webinar will be recorded and posted to the Caregiver Teleconnection past events searchable webpage
Wednesday, October 26, 11am
SPARK: Robin Williams and his Battle with Lewy Body Dementia
The documentary, SPARK, an intimate portrait of Robin Williams and his battle with Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) will be shown. After viewing the film, a group of experts will present key information about the disease and lead a 10-15 minute Q&A.
Hosts: LSVT Global, Inc. and the Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA)
This event will not be recorded.
Wednesday, October 26, 7:30pm
The Family Caregiving Experience: Sandwich Caregivers
This webinar will explore how sandwich caregivers take care of their children while also caring for an aging parent. Part of the “Family Caregiver Experience” discussion series.
Hosts: Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Los Angeles, CA, and the USC Family Caregiver Support Center
No information is available about the recording of this event.
Thursday, October 27, 9am
Family caregiving: Tips and tools for you and your loved ones
Most caregivers receive little or no training to care for themselves or their loved ones. This webinar endeavors to teach caregivers strategies to maintain their own health and well-being and to manage their caregiving responsibilities.
Speaker: Jane Strommen, Gerontology Specialist, NDSU Extension
Hosts: University of Minnesota Extension
No information is available about the recording of this event.
Thursday, October 27, 1-2:30pm
Chronic Stress and Ways to Cope
Earthquakes, floods, fires, power outages and much more have the potential to become emergency situations. Speakers will teach you how to prepare for such situations when caring for your loved one.
Host: Valley Caregiver Resource Center, Fresno, CA
Speaker: representatives from the Red Cross
The webinar may be posted to the Valley CRC YouTube channel
viernes, 28 de octubre, 1-2:30pm
No hay descripción disponible. La información no es específica para la enfermedad de Parkinson o el cuidado de la enfermedad de Parkinson.
Host: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton, CA
El seminario web se puede publicar en el canal de YouTube de Inland CRC
Saturday, October 29, 8:30-10:30am
[PD] Care Partner Summit
The summit will focus on how to manage evolving roles and identity as well as thinking changes in Parkinson’s.
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
There is no information about the recording of this summit.
Monday, October 31, 12:30-2pm
Care Options
Explore the different levels of care, current costs, and when it’s time for each level of care. Information is NOT specific to Parkinson’s or Parkinson’s caregiving.
Host: Inland Caregiver Resource Center (CRC), Colton, CA
The webinar may be posted to the Inland CRC YouTube channel