The Stanford APDA Information and Referral Center and Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach will launch a virtual Parkinson’s disease (PD) support group for the Spanish-speaking community in August 2023. Meetings are open to anyone in the North and Central California, not just Stanford families. This group is available to people with Parkinson’s disease and their families.
Beginning on August 16 the group will meet virtually on the third Wednesday monthly from 5:30pm to 6:30pm (Pacific Time). The facilitator is Carla Abdelnour, MD, PhD, with Stanford Neurology. In the first 15 minutes of each meeting Dr. Abdelnour will share information about a PD symptom. Email Dr. Abdelnour for meeting details and to be added to the meeting reminder email list.
In addition to adding a Spanish-language support group, Stanford Parkinson’s recently updated and expanded our page of Spanish-language Parkinson’s resources, which includes downloadable documents, web based articles, a podcast, a plan of action for hospitalization, and a symptom tracker created for and by Spanish-speaking people (not simply translated from the English version).
Finally, the Stanford PD Community blog has added a category for Spanish-language webinars about Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinson’s caregiving.