Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of Parkinson’s-related webinars and virtual meetings with speakers. Here’s our November 2023 list.
What’s the difference between a webinar and a virtual meeting? A “webinar” has a handful of speakers at most, and attendees have both audio and video muted. A “virtual meeting” usually allows attendees to be seen and heard.
We recommend you register NOW for anything of interest. That way, if there’s a recording, as a registrant you’ll receive an email alerting you to the recording availability. Also, note that a few webinars have registration deadlines well in advance of the webinar dates.
Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach will try to attend as many of these events as possible and share our notes. Our notes about PD webinars are often posted to our blog. We email our notes to the “Stanford PD Info” and “PD Caregivers” email lists, depending on the relevance to those audiences.
If you are a caregiver to someone with PD, we encourage you to be added to our “PD Caregivers” email list.
Unless indicated, the webinar and virtual meetings listed below are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. We suggest you join five minutes before the official start time. (Usually, the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- For a general audience. (Again, caregiver-specific events are on our other list.)
- Not focused on a single medication or single, branded treatment. (Those are excluded.)
- Free
After that long preamble, here’s our list of PD-related webinars and virtual meetings in November 2023…
Wednesday, November 1, 10am-12pm
Understanding Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Description: The speaker addresses DBS as a treatment option for PD, essential tremor, and dystonia.
Speaker: Sarah Zurek, RN, DBS program coordinator
Host: Hartford Healthcare
Call 855-442-4373 or use this registration webpage.
This webinar is offered monthly and is not recorded.
Wednesday, November 1, 11am
Virtual Speaker Webinar Series
No description available
Host: Parkinson Association of the Carolinas (PAC)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PAC YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 1, 12-1:30pm
Nutrition and Living with PD
Description: The speaker will share how diet modifications can positively impact overall health. This is the last in a four-part webinar series.
Speaker: Marty Acevedo, registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN)
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 1, 2:30-5pm
Diversity in Parkinson’s Disease Research Roundtable
Description: The first six recipients of the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) grants to study diversity in Parkinson’s disease will present their research results. One-year grants were given to study the health inequities and/or differences among under-studied PD communities, across the spectrum of ethnicity, ancestry, geography, socioeconomic conditions, and gender. Read about the six researchers on the registration webpage.
Multiple speakers
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
Agenda and registration webpage
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the APDA YouTube channel
miércoles, 1 de noviembre, 3pm
La comunicación familiar
Descripción: La Enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es considerada una enfermedad de la familia, ya que afecta a los familiares más cercanos al asumir las funciones de acompañamiento, soporte y cuidado de su ser querido. Es por ello que una comunicación efectiva es indispensable. Al celebrar el Mes del Cuidador Familiar, en este programa hablaremos sobre, como adaptarse según el avance de la enfermedad, no cuidar en exceso y evitar la sobreprotección, prevenir el síndrome del cuidador quemado.
Presentadora: Adriana González, LCSW
Anfitriona: PMD Alliance
La grabación del seminario web se puede publicar en el canal de YouTube de PMD Alliance
Thursday, November 2, 11am
Navigating Relationships with PD
Description: This webinar focuses on maintaining healthy relationships with important people in your life – including yourself, your significant other, your care partner, family, and friends. It is the first episode of a new educational series “Unlocking Strength Within: Strategies for Living with PD,” which will explore the emotional and psychological aspects of living with Parkinson’s disease (PD).
Speaker: Sheila Moore, LCSW
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
Agenda and registration webpage
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the APDA YouTube channel
Friday, November 3, 10:30am-12pm
Wellness: Rehabilitation and Mindfulness
Description: Includes a demonstration for mindfulness followed by rehabilitation exercises. Presenters will also share the latest insights on ways to improve the quality of life for people with PD.
Noriko Harth, Center for Mindfulness, UC San Diego
Cory Troyer, DPT
Julie Larsen, OTD, OTR/L
Host: UC San Diego (UCSD) Dept. of Neurosciences
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the UCSD Dept. of Neurosciences Community Symposium webpage
Sunday, November 5, 9am
Yoga Nidra
Audience: Women with PD
Description: The speaker will provide a brief introduction to the science behind Yoga Nidra, followed by a guided Yoga Nidra practice.
Speaker: Amy Wolfe, yoga, meditation, and pilates instructor
Host: Twitchy Woman
Only women with PD should participate.
The webinar recording will be posted to the events page of the Twitchy Woman website
Monday, November 6, 12pm
Everything Parkinson’s webinar series
No description available.
Host: Pacific Movement Disorders Center, Pacific Neuroscience Institute (PNI), Santa Monica, CA
At the meeting time, join by using this link
Or participate by phone 669-900-6833, with webinar ID 821 8048 1494.
For more information contact Giselle Tamula, 310-582-7433, giselle.tamula@providence.org
The recording of the webinar will be posted on the Movement Disorders section of the PNI Health and Wellness webinars page
Tuesday, November 7, 9am
Palliative Care & Chronic Disease Self-Management
Description: The speaker will discuss what palliative care is, why it’s important for people with Parkinson disease, and how to take a more proactive approach to self-management.
Speaker: Benzi Kluger, MD, University of Rochester
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 8, 10am
Hallucinations and Delusions in Parkinson’s
Description: Psychosis can vary from severe confusion to seeing things that aren’t there, to believing things that are not true. Find out what causes these symptoms, how people with Parkinson’s might experience them and management strategies. Part of the “Wellness Wednesday” series.
Speaker: Megan E. Gomez, PhD
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PF YouTube channel in the Wellness Wednesday playlist
Wednesday, November 8, 11am
I want to learn more about Parkinson Disease, where should I look?
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speaker will discuss the resources available to help you be successful in managing your PD and explore techniques to find reliable information on Parkinson’s. Part of the “Parkinson’s Disease Learning & Educational Resource (PDLER)” series.
Speaker: movement disorders specialist, Banner Sun Health Research Institute
Host: Banner Health
Call 800-230-2273 or use this registration webpage
This webinar will not be recorded.
Wednesday, November 8, 12pm
Daily Tips for Improving Fatigue in Parkinson’s
Description: Three experts will present on how occupational, physical, and speech therapy supports people living with Parkinson’s and the ways these therapies can address the various aspects of fatigue management. The discussion will be followed by a moderated Q&A. Submit questions to info@briangrant.org in advance or during the live presentation. Part of the monthly “Wellness Webcast.”
Julia Robinson, MS, CCC-SLP
Lauren McIntyre, PT, DPT, CSRS
Amy Dodson, OT
Host: Brian Grant Foundation (BGF)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the BGF website
miércoles, 8 de noviembre, 4pm
Testimonios de cuidado familiar con una perspectiva personal
Descripción: La experiencia del Parkinson depende de los ojos con los que se mira. En este programa compartiremos diferentes puntos de vista en una misma familia: una hija que, gracias a la EP, se encariñó mucho con su padre, una hija motivada a seguir los pasos de su padre, y una esposa dedicada a cuidar de sus seres queridos.
Marielba Rivera-Velázquez, abogada de planificación patrimonial y discapacidad e hija de una persona con Parkinson
Olga Velázquez, Secretaria Médica e Histopatóloga y esposa de un enfermo de Parkinson
Anfitriona: PMD Alliance
La grabación del seminario web se puede publicar en el canal de YouTube de PMD Alliance
Thursday, November 9, 11:30am
Home Safety & Parkinson’s Disease
Description: The speaker will share safety tips to help prevent falls and injuries so you can live in your home longer. Learn the importance of home safety modifications when living with PD, key areas of the home regarding safety, and what resources you can access to make your home safer. Part of the APDA’s “Thriving Through Occupational Therapy” webinar series.
Speaker: Amanda Landsbaum, MS, OTR/L
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
Agenda and registration webpage
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the APDA YouTube channel
viernes 10 de noviembre, 9am
Unidos: Parkinson y Yo
Descripción: Aprenda sobre la salud mental y la enfermedad de Parkinson, el papel de la genética y la salud mental y la oportunidad de participar en el estudio PD GENEration. También escuche a los profesionales hablar sobre temas importantes durante segmentos paralelos específicamente para hombres o mujeres.
Presentadora: Verónica Sierra, LD, licenciada en nutrición y ciencia de los alimentos, Color Your Plate, Inc.
Anfitriona: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
La grabación del seminario web se puede publicar en el canal de YouTube de PF
Saturday, November 11, 10am
Care Partner Summit 2023
Description: The focus is on how to communicate through difficult topics and find supportive connections. An expert on communication will present and there will be a panel of care partners who have navigated difficult conversations.
Speaker: Danielle R. Carns, PsyD, Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Panelists – TBA
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PF YouTube channel
Monday, November 13, 1pm
Unlocking Insights: Imaging and Biomarkers in Parkinson’s
Description: A movement disorder specialist will explain biomarkers and their crucial role in understanding Parkinson’s disease (PD). Specifically, the recent breakthrough of the newfound Parkinson’s biomarker by the Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF ) and its impact on the PD community will be discussed.
Speaker: Jon Stoessl, MD, University of British Columbia Neurology
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel
Tuesday, November 14, 8am
Parkinson’s Symposium
Description: Learn about foods that may help ease symptoms and support brain health in addition to understanding how some foods can affect the way Parkinson’s medications work. This program will also address the latest information on the gut and brain connection with PD.
Multiple speakers
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation Great Lakes chapter
A recording of the webinar may be posted to the PF YouTube channel
Tuesday, November 14, 10am
Understanding Pain in Parkinson’s Disease
No description available.
Speaker: Apurva Zawar PT, DPT, GCS, Beyond Rehab
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association Virginia chapter (APDA VA)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the APDA VA YouTube channel
martes 14 de noviembre, 11am
Comprendiendo la terapia física y manteniendo la motivación para moverse
Descripción: Conozca algunas herramientas excelentes para comenzar a hacer ejercicio y mantener ese impulso, en qué se diferencia la fisioterapia del ejercicio regular y el importante papel que desempeña un fisioterapeuta en su plan de tratamiento de la EP. Parte de la serie de seminarios web Sigue moviéndote con APDA.
Presentadora: Carlos Rehbein, MS, PhD
Anfitriona: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
La grabación del seminario web se puede publicar en el canal de YouTube de APDA Sigamos Moviendo lista de reproducción
Tuesday, November 14, 12pm
Botulinum Toxin Treatment in Parkinson’s
Description: The speaker will provide an overview on how botulinum toxin can be used to treat Parkinson disease symptoms such as excessive drooling (sialorrhea) as well as the social and emotional implications of these symptoms that may be otherwise difficult to treat.
Speaker: Yasar Torres-Yaghi, MD, movement disorder specialist, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Tuesday, November 14, 7pm
Nutritional Deficiencies and Supplement Use for YOPD Patients
Audience: People with young onset PD (and their partners)
Description: The speaker will discuss her latest research and her perspective on using supplements as part of your PD therapy.
Speaker: Laurie Mischley, ND, PhD, MPH, Seattle Integrative Medicine
Host: Young Onset Parkinson’s Network (YOPN)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the Past Events section of the YOPN Events webpage
Wednesday, November 15, 10am
Parkinson’s Anonymous: Keeping Their Secret
Audience: Those who are close to someone who has been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s
Description: The speaker will highlight the challenges many people face when negotiating how and when their loved one will share their diagnosis publicly. Recognizing that the family member’s needs may differ from the person with PD, attendees will hear from peers who have navigated this process and the lessons they’ve learned. Ways to find support without crossing your loved one with PD’s boundaries will be highlighted.
Speaker: Kelly McWilliams, MSN, RN
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PF YouTube channel in the Wellness Wednesday playlist
Wednesday, November 15, 11am
Drumming for Wellness
Description: World Drum Circle and panel discussion on drumming for wellness on World Drumming Day. No drum required – just find something that can be a drum (a bowl, a box, a table, a bucket). Grab your ‘drum’ and join in.
Host: World Parkinson Coalition
The webinar recording will be posted to the WPC YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 15, 11am
Wellness Wednesday Webinar Series
No description available
Host: Parkinson Association of the Carolinas
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PAC YouTube channel
Thursday, November 16, 9am
A Year Like No Other in Parkinson’s Research: 2023 in Review
Description: From the new biomarker for PD discovered last spring, to discussions of biological staging for disease and new therapeutics accelerating through the clinical pipeline, it’s a year like no other for Parkinson’s research. MJFF scientists and staff will discuss why this year is transformative — and why we’re entering a new era.
Multiple speakers
Host: Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the MJFF YouTube channel
Thursday, November 16, 11am
Note: May not be specific to PD or Parkinson’s dementia
Characterizing Adult Neurocognitive Diseases and Adapting Care to Enhance Quality of Life
Description: Seven retired physicians living with various types of dementia will draw from their own experiences and delve into the underlying biological basis of major adult neurocognitive diseases. By sharing their personal stories and strategies, they aim to inspire support professionals, individuals with dementia, and care partners to optimize independence, happiness, and overall well-being.
Multiple speakers
Host: National Council of Dementia Minds (NCDM)
There is no information about the recording of this event.
Thursday, November 16, 11am
Environmental Risk Factors for PD
Description: The speaker will discuss the environmental risk factors that have been associated with PD. Part of the “Let’s Talk Parkinson’s” series.
Speaker: Beate Ritz, MD, PhD, professor of epidemiology and environmental health sciences and neurology, UCLA Health
Host: Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PCLA YouTube channel
Thursday, November 16, 12pm
Cooking is Medicine
Description: Learn how to implement a pro-Parkinson disease (PD) diet, including what that looks like and how it can help manage symptoms. The speaker will offer guidance on using convenience foods to optimize nutrition and making cooking part of your PD-care routine.
Speaker: Kelly Morrow, MS, registered dietitian nutritionist
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Saturday, November 18, 9am-12pm
[PD] Care Partner Summit
Description: Social workers, psychiatrists, neurologists, palliative care physicians, and other professionals will present on care partner-related topics. Care partners are given the opportunity to discuss tips and tricks on how to navigate the different scenarios of a Parkinson’s diagnosis and the importance of self-compassion in breakout groups. This is a hybrid event (in-person and virtual).
Multiple speakers
Host: Parkinson Association of the Rockies (PAR)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PAR YouTube channel
Sunday, November 19, 10am
What I Didn’t Say
Description: Based on extensive interviews, “What I Didn’t Say” is a relatable portrayal of Paul and Marty’s journey through Parkinson’s. It helps us explore, from a safe distance, the issues we all face. Humorous, heart-touching, and honest, the video performance and the live discussion to follow will help everyone involved in a PD journey feel more connected, better grounded, and less alone.
Speaker: Matthew Moore, playwright, actor
Host: Twitchy Woman
Everyone is welcome. Registration webpage
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the Twitchy Woman events page
Tuesday, November 21, 4pm
Adaptive Wear
No description available
Speaker: Patrick Hoag, LMSW, University of Michigan
Host: Michigan Parkinson Foundation (MPF)
At the webinar time, visit here
Meeting ID: 660 963 7129
Password: MPF2020 (letters are all capitalized)
Or participate by phone: 646-558-8656
The webinar recording may be posted to the MPF YouTube channel
Tuesday, November 21, 7pm
Parenting with Parkinson’s: Impact on Children, Teens, and Young Adults
Description: The speaker will lead a session on the dynamics of parenting with Parkinson’s. She will discuss how to navigate the PD challenges that can have an impact on the parent living with Parkinson’s and also young children, teens, and adult children. She will also explore how to best support young family members and promote family wellness.
Speaker: Elaine Book, MSW, social worker, UBC Movement Disorder Clinic
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel
Wednesday, November 29, 10am
Why Should You Participate in PD Research?
Description: Learn the basics of clinical research as well as the benefits of participating. Know what to expect and how to get involved in Parkinson’s research. You will also hear about how people with Parkinson’s and care partners are being involved in the research design process. Part of the “Wellness Wednesday” series.
Jim Beck, PhD, chief scientific officer, Parkinson’s Foundation
Evelyn Stevens, MPH, community engagement director, Parkinson’s Foundation
A Parkinson’s Foundation research advocate
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PF YouTube channel in the Wellness Wednesday playlist
Wednesday, November 29, 12pm
The YOPD Care Partner Mindset
Description: Being a care partner to someone with young onset Parkinson disease (YOPD) can be a different experience for those who are young, at the height of career, raising children, or even caring for aging parents. You may not relate to the label of “care partner” yet, but having a loved one with PD can impact you in many ways.
Speaker: Rebecca Gifford, a writer and co-host of the podcast “When Life Gives You Parkinson’s” with her husband Larry Gifford who has YOPD
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Thursday, November 30, 11am
Latest Research from Tass Lab
Description: A conversation about the latest research from Tass Lab. Vibrating glove technology appears to induce long-lasting relief with stimulation that is only delivered for a few hours on an intermittent or regular basis. Part of the “Let’s Talk Parkinson’s” series.
Speaker: Peter Tass, MD, PhD, Stanford Neurosurgery
Host: Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
A recording of the webinar will be posted to the PCLA YouTube channel
Thursday, November 30, 12pm
Boxing for PD
Description: Boxing works by moving your body in all planes of motion, while continuously changing the routine as you progress through the workout. Benefits include increased range of motion, reduced stiffness, increased balance, improved gait, posture, and core strength, connected left and right brain, and strengthened connections or camaraderie.
Speaker: Dean Moskowitz, certified Rock Steady Boxing coach
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel