On Wednesdays beginning March 6 from 10:30-11:30am, the American Parkinson Disease Association’s Northwest chapter will present a series of four, free virtual workshops designed to give Parkinson’s care partners practical tools and techniques to help a person with Parkinson’s help themselves.
In this educational series titled Hand On Helpful Caregiving, occupational therapist Heidi Huynh will share a variety of techniques including adaptive tools, simple modifications to the environment, and adjusting positioning / using proper ergonomics. She will teach the tools needed to put these techniques into action and demonstrate how big changes can result from even little adjustments. This will allow you and your loved one with PD to work as a team throughout the day.
Week 1: The Power of Helping Others Help Themselves
Discover and discuss the importance of maximizing function and participation as long as possible. Learn strategies to implement and encourage independence, and problem solve barriers that may get in the way.
Week 2: Safety for Two with Positioning and Ergonomics
Increase safety for both yourself and those you care for by learning proper ergonomics and positioning. Where and how each person is positioned in relation to the environment is key for making mobility and participation in tasks more efficient. Analyze demonstrations and discover consistent components between tasks and activities.
Week 3: Control Your Environment – Don’t Let It Control You
When set up poorly, our environment can be a barrier. When set up in a way to meet the needs of an individual, it can be our greatest support! The presenter will show how a variety of environmental factors can be easily modified to best support you and those you care for.
Week 4: Maximize Independence with Adaptive Equipment
View demonstrations of tools and devices that can make a world of difference for participation, engagement, and independence! The presenter will discuss the pros and cons of various styles, where to find these tools, and how to properly use them for maximal benefit!
Learn more about the series presenter
Registration link – Please note that information in each class will build upon the other. If you register, please plan on attending all four Wednesdays in March.