Every month, Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach produces a list of Parkinson’s-related webinars and virtual meetings with speakers. Here’s our March 2024 list.
What’s the difference between a webinar and a virtual meeting? A “webinar” has a handful of speakers at most, and attendees have both audio and video muted. A “virtual meeting” usually allows attendees to be seen and heard.
We recommend you register NOW for anything of interest. That way, if there’s a recording, as a registrant you’ll receive an email alerting you to the recording availability. Also, note that a few webinars have registration deadlines well in advance of the webinar dates.
Stanford Parkinson’s Community Outreach will try to attend as many of these events as possible and share our notes. Our notes about PD webinars are often posted to our blog. We email our notes to the “Stanford PD Info” and “PD Caregivers” email lists, depending on the relevance to those audiences.
Unless indicated, the webinar and virtual meetings listed below are:
- Times listed as PT. (We are based in California, after all.)
- One-hour in duration. We suggest you join five minutes before the official start time. (Usually, the speaker talks for 30-40 minutes and there’s a question-and-answer session for the remaining time.)
- For a general audience. (Again, caregiver-specific events are on our other list.)
- Not focused on a single medication or single, branded treatment. (Those are excluded.)
- Free
After that long preamble, here’s our list of PD-related webinars and virtual meetings in March 2024.
Saturday, March 2, 6am-12pm
Parkinson’s Expo
Description: Top Parkinson’s experts share ways you can live well on your Parkinson’s journey.
Darlene Lobel, MD, Neurospinal Associates, Bradenton, FL
Daniel Stein, MD, Neurology of Cannabis Clinic, Sarasota, FL
Mitesh Lotia, MD, Advent Health Medical Group, Orlando, FL
Peter Tass, MD, PhD, Stanford Medicine, Stanford, CA
Kanwar Bhutani, Person with Parkinson’s
London Butterfield, PhD, St. Anthony’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL
Wendy Rickenbach, Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer
Host: Neuro Challenge, Sarasota, FL
The webinar recording may be added to the Neuro Challenge YouTube channel.
Saturday, March 2, 7-11am
Parkinson’s Symposium
Description: Hear about ongoing research, current treatments, and resources available to help you live your best life with Parkinson’s.
Multiple speakers
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation Carolinas chapter
We have no information about recording this event.
Sunday, March 3, 10am
Parkinson’s: How to Reduce Symptoms Through Exercise
Audience: Women with PD
Description: The speaker will talk about her research and how she works with people with PD to create an exercise program that works for them.
Speaker: Kristine Meldrum, author, founder of Parkinson’s Place Iowa, and Davis Phinney Foundation Ambassador
Host: Twitchy Woman
Only women with PD should participate. Registration webpage
The webinar recording will be posted to the Events page of the Twitchy Woman website.
Monday, March 4, 10am
Participating in [PD] Research: A Veteran’s Perspective
Speaker: Corwin Patis, PT, DPT, Pacific Neuroscience Institute
Host: Philadelphia and Richmond Veterans Administration (VA) Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Center (PADRECC)
At the meeting time, use this link to join:
Meeting ID: 227 305 847 316
Passcode: TXmDJU
Telephone: 872-701-0185 (phone conference ID: 666 709 920#)
Contact Jessica Kaplan with questions: jessica.kaplan2@va.gov, 804-675-5000 x5931.
We have no information about recording this event.
Monday, March 4, 12pm
Topic Unknown (at the time this list was prepared)
No description available. This webinar is part of the Everything Parkinson’s monthly series. The topic may not be specific to PD, though the host organization is PD-focused.
Host: Pacific Movement Disorders Center, Pacific Neuroscience Institute (PNI), Santa Monica, CA
At the meeting time, use this link to join
Webinar ID: 821 8048 1494
Telephone: 669-900-6833
Contact Giselle Tamula with questions: giselle.tamula@providence.org, 310-582-7433,
The webinar recording will be posted to the Movement Disorders section of the PNI Health and Wellness webinars page.
Monday, March 4, 2:30pm
Vision Changes in PD
No description available.
Speaker: Joseph Savitt, MD, PhD, University of Maryland
Host: PD-Connect, Corte Madera, CA
The webinar recording will be posted to the PD-Connect YouTube channel.
Tuesday, March 5, 12pm
Processing Diagnosis: Photography as a Lifeline
Description: The speaker will share how her latest body of work acted as a lifeline following her diagnosis with PD. She will describe the process by which the images were created and published as a collection in her book, Semaphore. Through this project the speaker explored her shift in perspective and drew connections between the visual world and her internal experience post-PD diagnosis.
Speaker: Torrance York, photographer and person with PD
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel
Wednesday, March 6, 10am-noon
Understanding Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Description: The speaker addresses DBS as a treatment option for PD, essential tremor and dystonia. Q&A follows.
Speaker: Elizabeth Saunders, RN, BSN, DBS program coordinator
Host: Hartford Healthcare
Call 855-442-4373 or use this registration webpage
This webinar is offered monthly and is not recorded.
Wednesday, March 6, 10:30am
Beyond Medication: Hand on Helpful Caregiving
Audience: PD Care Partners
Description: Discover and discuss the importance of maximizing function and participation as long as possible. Attendees will learn strategies to implement and encourage independence, and problem solve barriers that may get in the way. This is a 4-part series and is not meant to be a drop-in program as information in each class will build upon the other. Those who register should plan to attend all four Wednesdays in March. Topics will include the power of helping others [with PD] help themselves, safety for two with positioning and ergonomics [in PD], control your environment [for PD] – don’t let it control you, and maximize independence with adaptive equipment [for PD].
Speaker: Heidi Huynh, OTR, CTRS
Host: APDA Northwest (APDA NW)
More information about the 4-part series
The webinar recording may be posted to the APDA NW YouTube channel.
Tuesday, March 5, 12pm
(Registration ends March 4)
Women with Parkinson’s – Addressing Sex & Gender Gaps in Research
Description: Despite women reporting that changes in hormonal stages affect their Parkinson’s symptoms and evidence that estrogen may have neuroprotective features, there is still a lack of focus on sex and gender-based Parkinson’s research. The panel will discuss Parkinson’s research from lab to bedside and from prevention to treatment, and a possible cure through a sex and gender lens.
Moderator: Richelle Flanagan, RD, person with PD, co-founder of the Women’s Parkinson’s Project and My Moves Matter
Carlie Tanner, MD, PhD, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, San Francisco
Elena Moro, MD, PhD, Grenoble Alpes University in Grenoble, France
Aideen Sullivan, BSc, PhD, University College Cork, Ireland
Annelien Oosterbaan, MD, PhD, Parkinson’s advocate and gynecologist, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Cure Parkinson’s
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Registration webpage (registration ends March 4)
The webinar recording will be posted to the Cure Parkinson’s website
Wednesday, March 6, 10am
Deep Brain Stimulation and Focused Ultrasound for Parkinson’s Disease
Description: Learn what DBS (deep brain stimulation) and FUS (focused ultrasound) are and how they work, if you should consider these procedures, if so, which one(s), which symptoms of PD do they and don’t they treat, and how to find out if these treatments are offered in your area. Part of the APDA’s “Dr. Gilbert Hosts” series.
Moderator: Rebecca Gilbert, MD, PhD, APDA Chief Scientific Officer
Speaker: Ihtsham ul Haq, MD, movement disorder specialist, University of Miami
Host: American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA)
The webinar recording will be posted to the APDA YouTube channel in the Dr. Gilbert Hosts playlist.
Wednesday, March 6, 10am
Music Therapy for Enhanced Motor, Speech, Cognitive, and Mental Health
Description: Learn about the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function’s “Music has Power® for Parkinson’s Disease” program, which explores the effectiveness of music as a tool for maintaining function. Music therapy techniques that can be easily incorporated into daily routines will be demonstrated.
Speaker: Concetta M. Tomaino, DA, LCAT, MT-BC, co-founder of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
The webinar recording will be posted to the PF YouTube channel in the Wellness Wednesday playlist.
Wednesday, March 6, 10:30-11:45am
PD Essentials
Audience: Newly Diagnosed (past three years)
Description: This program will give an overview of PD and information about community resources and support.
Host: APDA Northwest
We have no information about recording this event.
Wednesday, March 6, 12pm
Nutrition and Parkinson’s
Description: The speaker will discuss the role nutrition plays in helping people with Parkinson’s.
Speaker: Kristin Gustashaw, clinical dietitian
Host: Davis Phinney Foundation (DPF)
The webinar recording will be posted to the DPF YouTube channel.
Thursday, March 7, 3-4:30pm
Parkinson’s 101
Audience: Newly diagnosed and care partners of newly diagnosed
Description: The speaker will explain what Parkinson’s is and is not and why it is difficult to diagnose. She will also cover what to expect regarding progression and prognosis, initial treatment options, medication, rehab, exercise, living with PD, non-motor symptoms, surgical interventions and future therapies.
Speaker: Elise Anderson, MD, movement disorder specialist, Oregon Health & Science University
Host: Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon (PRO)
The webinar recording will be posted to the PRO YouTube channel in the Education Programs playlist.
Thursday, March 7, 5:30pm
The Latest in PD Research
Description: Hear the latest in PD research findings, upcoming clinical trials, and patient candidacy.
Speaker: Pinky Agarwal, MD, FAAN, Booth Gardner Parkinson’s Care Center, Eastside Neuroscience Institute, Kirkland, WA
Host: Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation (NWPF)
The webinar recording may be posted to the NWPF YouTube channel.
Saturday, March 9, 8am-12pm
Parkinson’s Symposium
Description: Hear about ongoing research, current treatments, and resources.
Muhammad Nashatizadeh, MD, University of Kansas Medical Center
Ergun Uc, MD, University of Iowa Health Care
P. Becky Anprasertporn, MD, UMKC Medical School
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation Heartland chapter
We have no information about recording this event.
Saturday, March 9, 9am-12:30pm
Parkinson’s Symposium
Description: Hear about ongoing research, current treatments, and resources.
Dave Iverson, person with Parkinson’s, care partner, author, broadcast journalist
Marco Russo, MD, PhD, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Shannon Drastura, PT, DPT, CentraState Medical Center, Freehold, NJ
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation New York – New Jersey chapter
We have no information about recording this event.
Wednesday, March 12, 11am
What is Parkinson’s Disease?
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: The speaker will explore the potential causes of PD, explain the changes your body may be experiencing, help you understand the diagnosis, and provide answers to your questions. Part of the PDLER lecture series.
Speaker: movement disorders specialist, Banner Sun Health Research Institute
Host: Banner Health
This webinar will not be recorded.
Wednesday, March 12, 4pm
Tech-Enabled Triumphs over Parkinson’s Disease
Audience: Young Onset
Description: The speaker will share assistive technologies like speech-to-text and adaptive hardware like foot pedestals and eye trackers as well as clever ways to use mainstream technology like artificial intelligence to overcome challenges imposed by PD symptoms.
Speaker: Jeremy Likness, person with YOPD, Strength in Weakness blogger
Host: Young Onset Parkinson’s Network (YOPN)
The webinar recording will be posted to the YOPN website.
Wednesday, March 13, 10am
Understanding Pain in Parkinson’s
Description: Learn about the types of pain in Parkinson’s, its impact on the individual, and the many ways to manage pain in PD.
Speaker: Apurva Zawar, PT, DPT, GCS, UCSF, Beyond Rehab
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
The webinar recording will be posted to the PF YouTube channel in the Wellness Wednesday playlist.
Wednesday, March 13, 12pm
Nutrition 101 [for PD]
Description: Learn about the role of nutrition in maintaining health, common challenges to healthy eating, and tips to improve diet for people with Parkinson’s. Part of the March Wellness Webcast series.
Speaker: Jelena Etemovic, RD
Host: Brian Grant Foundation (BGF)
The webinar recording will be posted to the BGF website.
Tuesday, March 13, 1pm
PD Essentials
Audience: Newly Diagnosed (past three years)
Description: This program will give an overview of PD and information about community resources and support.
Host: APDA Iowa
Registration webpage (registration is limited)
This webinar is offered monthly and is not recorded.
Sunday, March 17, 10am
Twitchy Woman 4th Anniversary Celebration
Audience: Women with PD
Description: An author will talk about the book “In Her Shoes.” The book was created by and for young women with PD and is available in five languages so far. You don’t have to be YOPD to participate. Download the free book here.
Speaker: Kristi LaMonica, co-author of “In Her Shoes”
Host: Twitchy Woman
Only women with PD should participate. Registration webpage
The webinar recording will be posted to the Events page of the Twitchy Woman website.
Tuesday, March 19, 12pm
A New Approach To Exercise
Description: The speaker will discuss how every bit of movement your body has while awake counts as well as some creative ways to exercise.
Speaker: Sherrie Gould, MSN, NP-C, nurse practitioner, Scripps Clinic Movement Disorders Center, La Jolla, CA
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel.
Wednesday, March 20, 10am
Managing “Off” Periods: Return of Parkinson’s Symptoms
Description: “Off” periods are times in the day when your medication may wear off, suddenly or gradually, and motor or non-motor symptoms return. The speaker will discuss “off” periods, their impact and what to do about them.
Speaker: Nandakumar Narayanan, MD, PhD, University of Iowa Health Care
Host: Parkinson’s Foundation (PF)
The webinar recording will be posted to the PF YouTube channel in the Wellness Wednesday playlist.
Wednesday, March 20, 11am
Food for Thought: Parkinson’s Nutrition and Culinary Medicine
Description: A movement disorders specialist will discuss whether there are foods to avoid when you have PD or certain foods or supplements that can increase brain power and energy levels – or even help manage symptoms. She will also prepare a “Buddha Bowl”- type recipe and talk about ways to change the recipe with different ingredients to make meals super simple.
Speaker: Erin Presant, DO, Founder of The Medicine of Yum
Host: Parkinson Canada
The webinar recording may be posted to the Parkinson Canada YouTube channel.
Wednesday, March 20, 11am
Topic Unknown (at the time this list was prepared)
No description available. This webinar is part of the Wellness Wednesday monthly series. The topic may not be specific to PD, though the host organization is PD-focused.
Host: Parkinson Association of the Carolinas (PAC)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PAC YouTube channel in the Wellness Wednesdays playlist.
Wednesday, March 20, 1pm
PD 101
Audience: Newly Diagnosed
Description: Answers to your questions about PD and how to live well on this new journey.
Host: Neuro Challenge, Sarasota, FL
This webinar is offered monthly and is not recorded.
Thursday, March 21, 9am
Environmental Risks for Parkinson’s
Description: A conversation about the environmental factors that have been linked to developing PD.
Speaker: Ray Dorsey, MD, University of Rochester Medical Center
Host: Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
The webinar recording will be posted to the PCLA YouTube channel.
Thursday, March 21, 9am
Everyday Exposures to Parkinson’s: Environmental Connections to the Disease [PD]
Description: An expert panel will explore the relationship between your everyday environment (air quality, food, pesticides, pollution, etc.) and PD. They will also discuss how economic differences affect access to the right doctors, grocery stores, and gyms, as well as psychosocial factors like racial bias that contribute to health outcomes. Learn what steps you can take to shape the future of research and public health policy for environmental impacts of Parkinson’s.
Multiple speakers
Host: Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF)
The webinar recording is available on the MJFF YouTube channel.
Thursday, March 21, 5:30pm
Understanding the Role of a Neuropsychologist
Description: The speaker will explain how neuropsychologists help with patient candidacy for surgical therapy options, cognitive function, and overall brain health.
Speaker: Brad Tyson, PsyD, neuropsychologist, Eastside Neuroscience Institute, Kirkland, WA
Host: Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation (NWPF)
The webinar recording may be posted to the NWPF YouTube channel.
Tuesday, March 26, 12pm
The Ins and Outs of Service Dogs for PD
Description: Service dogs can provide people with PD social and emotional support as well as assistance with balance and daily tasks by mitigating freezing (nudging a leg or gently pulling on a leash), support while getting in and out of chairs or getting up after a fall (bracing), opening doors and turning lights on or off, retrieving adaptive equipment, retrieving and carrying objects, like meds or dropped phone, assisting in dressing and undressing by fetching clothes or gently tugging off socks, seeking help, and exercise (walking the dog). The speakers will share how to get a service dog and answer questions.
Olivia Streaman, Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities, Torrington CT
Olivia’s dad, Bill, person with PD
Peanut, Bill’s service dog
Host: PMD Alliance
The webinar recording may be posted to the PMD Alliance YouTube channel.
Miércoles 27 de marzo, 10am
Explorando terapias complementarias para el Parkinson
Descripción: Los ponentes brindarán una comprensión integral de la fisioterapia, la logopedia y la terapia ocupacional, y los múltiples beneficios que ofrecen a las personas con Parkinson.
Ana Sanchez Junkin, PT, DPT, NCS, MGH Institute of Health Professions
Dora Jasso, MA, CCC-SLP, CBIS, MountainView Regional Medical Center
Pamela Talero Cabrejo, OTD, BSOT(Col), OTR/L, CPAM, COT, Thomas Jefferson University
Anfitriona: Parkinson’s Foundation
La grabación del seminario web se puede publicar en el canal de YouTube de PF Alliance.
Thursday, March 28, 12pm
Clinical Trials and Current Research
Description: The speaker will unravel the fundamentals of clinical trials and their role in evaluating new therapies. Get insights into cutting-edge treatments like alpha-synuclein and GBA/LRRK2, along with a glimpse into the methods used to measure their effectiveness.
Speaker: Matthew Deen, ETH Zurich, post-doctoral researcher
Host: Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PSBC YouTube channel.
Thursday, March 28, 11am
Swallowing: Tips to make Mealtimes Easier in Parkinson’s
Description: The speaker will discuss actionable strategies to make the process of eating easier, including at home as well as in public. There will also be a discussion on swallowing medications. Part three of a 6-part series on “Navigating Parkinson’s for Successful Management & Wellbeing.”
Speaker: John Dean, MA CCC-SLP, speech language pathologist
Host: Parkinson Association of the Rockies (PAR)
The webinar recording may be posted to the PAR YouTube channel.
Friday, March 29, 9am
Nutrition for PD
Description: The speaker will talk about eating well with PD.
Speaker: Richelle Flanagan, RD
Host: Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles (PCLA)
The webinar recording will be posted to the PCLA YouTube channel.